Search results

  1. Mujo Simba

    Reviewed Hospital Leader | Max Wheeler

    You have been selected for Leader interview Join our official RPGRAND discord > Join the RP GRAND Discord Server! After you join, message Simba Jordan, discord: "carljordan" to schedule an interview You have 24 hours.
  2. Mujo Simba

    Approved Leader for medical department/ Prince menushan

    You have been selected for Leader interview Join our official RPGRAND discord > Join the RP GRAND Discord Server! After you join, message Simba Jordan, discord: "carljordan" to schedule an interview You have 24 hours.
  3. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Leader For Media | Kakashi Hurmaci

    Rejected, poor application
  4. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Application for red gang | Yug Walker

    Rejected, you can't apply for multiple orgs at the same time
  5. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Application for los nomadas(yellow) | Yug Walker

    Rejected, you can't apply for multiple orgs at the same time
  6. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Leader Application-medic

    Incorrect format, you have 12h to fix your application format per Important - Leader Application - Format
  7. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Leader for vipers | ishan mafia

    On consideration
  8. Mujo Simba

    Reviewed Leader for yellow gang | rajput assassin

    Incorrect format, you have 12h to fix your application format per Important - Leader Application - Format
  9. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Application For Leader Gang "Los Nomadas".

    Incorrect format, you have 12h to fix your application format per Important - Leader Application - Format
  10. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Leader for Ambulance

    Incorrect format, you have 12h to fix your application format per Important - Leader Application - Format
  11. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Request to get the red blood gang

    Rejected, application not in servers native language
  12. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Leader of red gang | op gamer

    Rejected, you can't apply for multiple organizations at once
  13. Mujo Simba

    Rejected APPLICATION FOR HOSPITAL | op gamer

    Rejected, you can't apply for multiple organizations at once
  14. Mujo Simba

    Rejected APPLICATION FOR FBI | op gamer

    Rejected, FBI already has leader
  15. Mujo Simba

    Rejected For Leader of Police Department

    Rejected, PD already has a Leader
  16. Mujo Simba

    Rejected Leader for yellow gang | rajput assassin

    Double application