Rejected Leader Application-medic

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Amine Abdellaoui

information :
1. Your IRL name: Amine Abdellaoui

2. Your age: 17

3. Average activity per day (in hours):
More than 5 to 10 hours

4. Your ingame name: Amine Abdellaoui

5. Your Discord: amine7323

6. want to be the curator(admin) of medic or
State: medic

7. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play : 12a.m-20p.m : 23382

Additional information

Why do you want to be the Leader of this
specific organization?

1. Leadership and Team
Organization: "I want to be a leader
in GTA RP because I believe I have
strong leadership skills that allow
me to organize and guide a team to
achieve specific goals within the
game. I know how to manage
resources and communicate
effectively with members, which
helps create a cohesive and
enjoyable experience for everyone

2. Experience in the Game and
Community Interaction: "l have
extensive experience in the GTA RP
community and a deep
understanding of the game's
systems and rules. I enjoy
interacting with other players
creating innovative and engaging
scenarios that add a new level of
excitement and challenge to the
game for everyone.

3. Vision for the Future: As a
leader I aim to foster a spirit of
collaboration among players
creating a community that values
mutual respect and creativity. I want
to contribute to the growth and
evolution of the game by introducing
new ideas and organizing special
events that bring more realism and
excitement to the roleplay
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