Approved Leader for police department | Sahil Achhada

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Cheif of police department
Leader of organization

1.Your IRL name - Sahil Achhada

2. Your age - 18

3. Time zone - GMT +5:30

4. Average online per day - 7 to 8 hours

5. Your Discord - sahilachhada360

6. Your ingame name - Sahil Achhada

7. Your ID - 100839

Additional information

1. Leader for ... Police department

2. Why you want to be leader of this specific organisation? (Give three reasons with explanation)

Reason 1: I want to be leader of police department because I was commissioner of police department and I have good knowledge of rules. I also have good knowledge ghetto patrollings and check points. I also want to do some changes which will be more interesting for pd reputation. I have good quality to be leader like I be calm in any situations and I am good listener, I make decisions by thinking twice and I like to communicate with curator and admins which give me enough energy to learn something new.

Reason 2: I have that quality of leadership that how to manage the organisation and how to maintain good atmosphere in organisation. I know that how to perform a better powerplay, if I be a leader than pd members learn to perform better role play and In trainings we will give them good instructions so they don't do any mistakes like nowadays some pd cadets going to ghetto area alone , it's a forbidden but they also they are repeating the same mistakes so first thing that I will take care of that which is training so in this way the term not get any warnings and we also perform ghetto patrollings and check points regularly.

Reason 3: I have good experience and knowledge in rp grand, I also have knowledge of all rules and I always do my best in any field I put my 100% efforts. I easily communicate with all it makes me a bit powerful and I am good listener also and I always think to how to improve myself and organisation. I will take some ideas from curators and I listen them carefully so in this way the work will become easy and term will be successful by performing better role play.

3. Your advice for improving role play in the organization.

Advice 1: for improving role play we do ghetto petrolings at time and do check outs also at time. New joiners take training in ic so this also create a good role play and officers do patrollings regularly by performing good role play.
New joiners get good training at time so they also learn to perform a better roleplay.

Advice 2: I set the HC meeting in a week in ic to know about that how they are doing and when pd visit any events so they do communication with professionalism and we also take during ghetto patrollings and check points we maintain that professionalism of police department so it will also help to perform better role play. We also do promotion ceremonies by appreciating officers hardwork and dedication. I also add bonus systems.

Advice 3: pd members communicate in professional way by using radio codes in proper way and by following all general rules we perform a better and sufficient role play. Pd members also show there professional while approaching the suspect or while arresting the suspect so in this way I improve the role in police department.

Sir I hope you understand my efforts,
Thanking you...

Best regards
Sahil achhada
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You have been selected for a PD interview!

The interview will take place on 10/03/2025.

Please contact Yaga Marlega ( yaga_bhai ) or Salah Murphy ( salah0002 ) on Discord to schedule your interview or if you have any questions.

Failure to attend the interview on time will lead to rejection.

PD applications are now closed.​
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