Rejected Corruption | Inferno

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Your Nick-Name
Tommy Vice

Suspect Nick-Name
Feb 16, 2025
11:57pm to 2:40pm IST

Tommy Vice

Leader of organization
Leader of organization
Dear Admins and Curators,
I hope you are all doing well.

I would like to report that Inferno Gang is involved in corruption by selling ranks, including Deputy and other high positions. I have solid proof of this and request immediate action to maintain fairness in the server.

Your Player,

Tommy Vice

Note: Apologies to the leader of Inferno for creating this forum, but this matter needed to be addressed.

Hindi Admin Review Requested
(Not Off Topic) the message is edited,
Abdul was asking for 100k money. And you said him like "you need now?"" and Abdul said yes, but after that you edited the message! So please Show original message!
Don't edit messages!
Sir edited proof is not acceptable? sir I get promotion at deputy through leader, Abdul send own dismissal and he told to leader why you promoted Tommy and (leader said me you see messages in proof) if Abdul leave then how do work gang leader told me it is leader work to manage gang or deputy if you have answer tell me.


Thank You sir.
Last edited:
Dear Admins and Curators,
I hope you are all doing well.

I would like to report that Inferno Gang is involved in corruption by selling ranks, including Deputy and other high positions. I have solid proof of this and request immediate action to maintain fairness in the server.

Your Player,

Tommy Vice

Note: Apologies to the leader of Inferno for creating this forum, but this matter needed to be addressed.

Hindi Admin Review Requested
(Not off topic) Edited proof
I understand the situation and want to clarify a few things. If Abdul had an issue with Tommy’s promotion, he should have addressed it in a complaint rather than continuing to act as Deputy and give commands. The leader did not understand why Abdul is still giving commands after questioning Tommy’s promotion. If Abdul’s actions are causing confusion, the proper step would be to demote him and give Tommy the Deputy role.

Thank you.
Dear Admins and Curators,

I hope you are doing well. I just want to clarify that Abdul Sir is a good player, but there seems to be some corruption involving the leader. I am simply seeking justice and would like to request the Deputy rank. There are no other issues from my side.

Thank you for your time and understanding.
Sir edited proof is not acceptable? sir I get promotion at deputy through leader, Abdul send own dismissal and he told to leader why you promoted Tommy and (leader said me you see messages in proof) if Abdul leave then how do work gang leader told me it is leader work to manage gang or deputy if you have answer tell me.


Thank You sir.
(not off topic) read rules for Filling a Complaint Against player! your proof is edited and Cropped! And admin have right to reject your Application if your proof is edited
(not off topic) the matter is abt corruption not abt promotions and its mine decision that whom I wan to give deputy or not.
(not off topic) the matter is abt corruption not abt promotions and its mine decision that whom I wan to give deputy or not.
Sir you are correct but first you give me promotion and Abdul sir send own dismissal all showing proof so please wait for admin’s reply
Thank you
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