Rejected Sahil Achhada | Leader of vipers

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Cheif of police department
Leader of organization
1.Your IRL name- Sahil Achhada

2. Your age- 18

3. Time zone- (5:30+ IST)

4. Average online per day- 4 to 5 hours

5. Your Discord- sahilachhada360

6. Your ingame name- Sahil Achhada

7. Your ID- 100839

Additional information
Leader for vipers

Q.1 why you want to be leader of vipers?

Ans. Because I have so much experience in gangs and also I have experience in state orgs . I know all ghetto rules and I was under deputy in inferno.

Q.2 if you be leader what you should be your aims to achieve?

Ans. If I be a leader I will follow all rules like Timings of army raids and I also manage all things during COT .

Q.3 how you manage with your team and curators?

Ans. I make friendly bond with my team and I always respect my curators . In this way I manage to handle the gang organisation.

My experience
- I was part of inferno gang , los nomdas gang , liberty gang .
- I was CM of government, trainer and HRT of FBI , colenel in army .

Thanking to Respected admins and curators, I hope you understand my efforts.
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