1. Your IRL Name: Mukesh
2. Your age: 22 years
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 2 to 4 hours
5.Your Discord: devil_18760
6. Your ingame name: Darksidedevil Dd
7. Your ID: 357799
Additional information
1.Leader for Army
2.Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation?
- I personally had a great connection to the army. I emotionaly very much connected to the organisation and leading such an organisation is truly an honour. I also worked as high command in many state organisation in grand rp En 3. I have a great knowledge about all the work.
- It is a childhood dream to lead an organisation which is always ready to risk everything they got to protect the people. I want to grow this organisation to make it one of the best.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay in the organisation.
-- The folloing points are my advices to improve roleplay
- Departments
- Special Task force: This branch is prepared to especially deal with emergency situations and any crucial events.
- Military police division: This divison helps in maintaining law and order. They protect our people of the city from any dangers entering into city.
- Human Resource Division: This division plays a crucial role for recruitment of new forces and training of the forces.
- Internal Affairs: This is division play a vital role in protecting organisation form any kind of misbehaviour in the organisation.
--- We will do training sessions every week to improve the efficiency of the organisation and the skills of our forces.
-- To keep the organisation running smoothly any kind toxicity in the organisation will be removed and bonuses are given timely to keep the organisation forces happy.
Thank you for reviewing
1. Your IRL Name: Mukesh
2. Your age: 22 years
3. Time zone: GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day: 2 to 4 hours
5.Your Discord: devil_18760
6. Your ingame name: Darksidedevil Dd
7. Your ID: 357799
Additional information
1.Leader for Army
2.Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation?
- I personally had a great connection to the army. I emotionaly very much connected to the organisation and leading such an organisation is truly an honour. I also worked as high command in many state organisation in grand rp En 3. I have a great knowledge about all the work.
- It is a childhood dream to lead an organisation which is always ready to risk everything they got to protect the people. I want to grow this organisation to make it one of the best.
3. Your advices for improving Roleplay in the organisation.
-- The folloing points are my advices to improve roleplay
- Departments
- Special Task force: This branch is prepared to especially deal with emergency situations and any crucial events.
- Military police division: This divison helps in maintaining law and order. They protect our people of the city from any dangers entering into city.
- Human Resource Division: This division plays a crucial role for recruitment of new forces and training of the forces.
- Internal Affairs: This is division play a vital role in protecting organisation form any kind of misbehaviour in the organisation.
--- We will do training sessions every week to improve the efficiency of the organisation and the skills of our forces.
-- To keep the organisation running smoothly any kind toxicity in the organisation will be removed and bonuses are given timely to keep the organisation forces happy.
Thank you for reviewing