Appreciation to administrators

1. Your nickname: Cherish Chheda

2. The administrator's nickname: Zeeshan Daku

3. The essence of gratitude (claims): Thank you, Zeeshan Daku, for being the best admin and curator in the media world. Your support, guidance, and dedication are truly inspiring. You always make challenges feel manageable and create a space where creativity thrives.
1. Your nickname:AHIR DIVYRAJ

2. The administrator's nickname:dheeraj jaidka and Aryan BHAI

3. The essence of gratitude (claims):Thanks you,dheraj jaidka, for being best admin you are best admin and everytime in ic I have problems so you come and you talk with politely and yout nature is so sweet and you give respect to all people and

Thanks you Aryan BHAI, for being best admin you are always online for people and you help people and you are make best decision and guide people werry well you give all people respect
