Rejected Assistant application | AHIR DIVYRAJ

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1. Your IRL name: AHIR DIVYRAJ

2. Your age:16

3. Time zone:IST

4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Please enter the time, for example, from 10:00 to 19:00):11:00 TO 2:00

5. Average activity per day (in hours):3 - 4 hours

6. Your Discord:ahir0684

7. Your ingame name:AHIR DIVYRAJ

8. Your ID (Permanent one, you can find it on Menu>Profile and bellow):153022

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an assistant?

I am in rp grand city I have many experience and I try many organizations so I have many experience and knowledge about rp and city and in city I see many players who fail in rp and he have many questions about org and many other things so I guild him

2. What are your strengths?
1 quick learner
2. Communication skill
3. Know well english
4.know how to handle situations

3. What are your biggest weaknesses?
1. Sometime i trust anyone
2. Something i nervous in situations

4. Is there any IRL problem that prevents you from being active at the moment?
Now 'No'
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