Dear Mujo Sir,
I hope you're doing well.
Yesterday, I made a DM (Deathmatch) complaint, but it was rejected as a third-party issue, even though I was directly involved in that loc. The suspect killed another player for no reason and was about to attack me next but he got died. If he did that for fun then it should be considered as Fail RP because random killings ruin the roleplay experience.
I believe the suspect should be punished to prevent this from happening again. Fair rules make the game better for everyone.
Also I think admins are not blind they can see that he is doing a rulebreak they should get punishment, irl if someone killed to a person then whoever sees he makes a complaint and he gets punishment too but here admins seen also then also he isn't giving him punishment. That will be not fair rp if he didn't got punishment for it.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
I hope you're doing well.
Yesterday, I made a DM (Deathmatch) complaint, but it was rejected as a third-party issue, even though I was directly involved in that loc. The suspect killed another player for no reason and was about to attack me next but he got died. If he did that for fun then it should be considered as Fail RP because random killings ruin the roleplay experience.
I believe the suspect should be punished to prevent this from happening again. Fair rules make the game better for everyone.
Also I think admins are not blind they can see that he is doing a rulebreak they should get punishment, irl if someone killed to a person then whoever sees he makes a complaint and he gets punishment too but here admins seen also then also he isn't giving him punishment. That will be not fair rp if he didn't got punishment for it.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
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