On consideration Leader for Army | ANOL Samad

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ANOL Samad

1.Your name: ANOL Samad

2.Your Age: 17

3.Time zone: BST

4.Average online per day: 4 hours

5.your discord: Anol Samad

6.Ingame Name: ANOL Samad

7. ID: 45829

Additional information

Leader for Army

Why do u want to be the leader of this specific organisation:

1 I'm in Army from the start and I have a lot of experience in Army and I will use that experience to make better RP. Making better RP will help others to have interest in the org also

2. I have good leadership skills as that will help make Leading the org easy and help me execute missions perfectly . having good leadership skills will help Me Sort out problems fast

3. As the Leader of spec ops I have a variety of experience so that will help me at leading the org in different ways I also have done 30 raids On various gangs and I have been In army for 5 terms

Your advice for improving roleplay In the organisation:

Hrt department: Human resources is the most important department as it will guide new soldiers who will one day help run the org and make the org better I will create a new system so new players with less experience can get experience and can gain rank ups easily

Military police department: Military police job is to make sure the The strictness is good as that helps running the org smoothly and Keep track of the warehouse and organisation balance I will adjust some new rules so new players can make sure to follow the rules better and

Spec ops And high command: Spec ops doesn't need much work as it is has no flaw but I will make a new training system so new spec ops can gain experience in training as that will help them perform in missions better as they will know what to do in that situation and I will divide the works between high command as each rank will have sperate work for each department and some high command will be given the responsibility to observe other soldiers so the org can run smoothly

Thanks for your time

Warm regards
ANOL Samad
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