1.your irl name : sanyam
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : ist
4. Average online per day : 2-4 hours
5. Your Discord : samcy_21212
6. Your ingame name: samcy gamerz
7. Your ID : 285097
Additional information
1. Leader for CENTRAL POLICE
2. Why Do You Want to Be the Leader of the PD Organization?
1. To Build a Professional and Well-Structured PD
The police department should function as a realistic and disciplined law enforcement agency. I want to introduce a clear chain of command, ensure officers are well-trained, and implement standard operating procedures (SOPs) that improve efficiency. With a structured approach, officers will have better roles, responsibilities, and career progression, making the PD more immersive and fair.
2. To Enhance Realism and Improve Roleplay Quality
Many PD organizations struggle with poor RP execution, unrealistic actions, or robotic behavior. My goal is to ensure realistic policing, including:
- Proper traffic stops, felony arrests, and investigations.
- Encouraging officers to negotiate and de-escalate situations instead of always resorting to force.
- Making detective and SWAT divisions more interactive by focusing on evidence collection and tactical strategies.
This will create a balanced and engaging RP experience for civilians and criminals as well.
3. To Ensure Fairness and Prevent Corruption
A police department must be fair, unbiased, and free from favoritism or abuse of power. I will establish a strong Internal Affairs Division to monitor officer behavior and handle reports of misconduct. Officers who break RP rules, abuse power, or fail to meet department standards will be held accountable. This will help improve trust between law enforcement and the community, leading to a better RP experience for everyone.
3. Your Advice for Improving Roleplay in the Organization
1. Better Training and Development for Officers
- Scenario-Based Training: Officers will go through realistic RP scenarios, including hostage situations, bank robberies, and active shooter drills.
- Improved Communication: Training in radio codes, tactical coordination, and professional speech to make interactions more immersive.
- Advanced Tactical Training: SWAT and high-ranking officers should have better knowledge of breach-and-clear tactics and strategic planning.
2. More Engaging and Realistic Police Work
- Longer and More In-Depth Investigations: Detectives should focus on collecting evidence, questioning suspects, and solving crimes over time rather than making instant arrests.
- Better Use of Laws and Charges: Officers should properly read suspects their rights, file charges realistically, and handle court cases properly to enhance legal RP.
- Roleplay Beyond Just Arresting Criminals: Officers should interact with civilians through community engagement events, town hall meetings, and ride-along programs.
3. Stricter Enforcement of PD Rules and RP Standards
- Internal Affairs Division: Officers who break RP, abuse power, or engage in corruption should face suspensions, demotions, or terminations to maintain PD integrity.
- Balanced Use of Force: Officers should de-escalate situations and follow a "Use of Force Continuum", ensuring that force is only used when necessary.
- Encouraging Civilian Roleplay with the PD: Organizing checkpoint operations and patrol stops .