Louis Rune Leader of Los Nomadas Gang Leader of organization Thursday at 8:58 AM #1 Ankit Yadpx, GAME Legend, Kaaleen Bhai, Assassin Ankit They weared black pants. All in POV
A Ansh Sehgal Leader of organization Leader of organization Thursday at 9:34 AM #2 This was very short pov and that time the pf was not started
Louis Rune Leader of Los Nomadas Gang Leader of organization Thursday at 9:35 AM #3 As you can clearly see they were at PF with improper gang clothes
A Ansh Sehgal Leader of organization Leader of organization Thursday at 11:30 AM #4 (not off topic) But sir the pf is not started yet you can clearly see that in pov.
Louis Rune Leader of Los Nomadas Gang Leader of organization Thursday at 11:55 AM #5 No off topic:- As PF is a gang event so following gang members should wear gang colour clothes and infreno gang was against rule GH 1.6 once they entered in pf they have to wear gang clothes
No off topic:- As PF is a gang event so following gang members should wear gang colour clothes and infreno gang was against rule GH 1.6 once they entered in pf they have to wear gang clothes
Brinson Cartel Curator of Army, Media and Biographies Server Administrator Friday at 10:18 AM #6 Reviewing
Brinson Cartel Curator of Army, Media and Biographies Server Administrator Friday at 10:18 AM #7 Locked for Inferno Curator
Cherish Chheda Crime Curator: Vipers & Inferno. Server Administrator Yesterday at 11:53 AM #8 Reviewing
Cherish Chheda Crime Curator: Vipers & Inferno. Server Administrator Today at 3:33 AM #9 On Consideration
Cherish Chheda Crime Curator: Vipers & Inferno. Server Administrator Today at 10:23 AM #10 Rejected -No Rule Break Found. As They Are Wearing Dark Red Colour Outerwear And Pants.