Rejected ADMIN APPLICATION | karuna playz

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1. Your IRL name: K. KARUNAKAR

2. Your age: 20

3. Time zone: ( IST )

4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Please enter the time, for example, from 10:00 to 19:00): 16:00 TO 19:00

5. Average activity per day (in hours): 3 Hours

6. Your Discord: steverogers1_

7. Your ingame name: karuna playz

8. Your ID:1

9. I want to be the curator(admin) of Crime or State: crime

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

A. I’m interested in becoming an admin because it offers an opportunity to contribute to the efficient functioning of a community or organization. By taking on this role, I can help streamline processes, support team members, and ensure that everything runs smoothly. It’s about making a positive impact through organization and problem-solving.

2. What are your strengths?
A. 1. Problem-Solving Skills: I excel at identifying issues and developing effective solutions. I approach challenges analytically and creatively, ensuring that problems are addressed efficiently.

2. Strong Communication: I’m adept at conveying information clearly and effectively, both in writing and verbally. This helps in collaborating with team members and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

3. Organizational Abilities: I’m highly organized and detail-oriented, which allows me to manage multiple tasks and projects simultaneously without losing focus on key priorities.

4. Adaptability: I’m flexible and can quickly adjust to changing circumstances. This helps me stay effective in dynamic environments and handle unexpected challenges.

5. Team Collaboration:I work well in team settings and value the input of others. I’m supportive and collaborative, contributing to a positive and productive team environment.

3. What are your biggest weaknesses?

A. 1. Perfectionism: I tend to be a perfectionist, which sometimes leads me to spend more time than necessary on details. I’m actively working on balancing quality with efficiency by setting more realistic goals and deadlines.

2. Overcommitment: I have a tendency to take on too many tasks at once because I want to help wherever I can. I’m learning to better prioritize and delegate responsibilities to avoid burnout and ensure that I can give my best to each project.

3. Delegation Challenges: I sometimes struggle with delegating tasks because I prefer to handle things myself. I’m improving by trusting my team members more and focusing on building their skills, which helps in distributing tasks more effectively.

4. Public Speaking: find public speaking challenging, but I’m working on it by taking courses and practicing more frequently. This is helping me become more comfortable and effective in presenting my ideas.

5. Impatience with Slow Progress: I can get impatient when progress is slower than I’d like. I’m working on developing more patience and understanding that some processes take time, which helps in maintaining a positive attitude and managing expectations.

4. Will you be ready to leave the RP life and become an admin?

A. I understand the responsibilities that come with being an admin and the need to focus on different aspects of community management. While the RP (role-playing) life has been a valuable and enjoyable experience, I’m committed to transitioning to an admin role. I’m prepared to shift my focus and dedicate the necessary time and effort to support and enhance the community in this new capacity. My goal is to contribute positively and help ensure a great experience for everyone involved.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It is forbidden to have a business while you are an administrator)

A. Yes, I understand the policy that prohibits administrators from having a business while serving in the role. I’m fully prepared to comply with this rule and will take the necessary steps to sell my business before assuming any administrative responsibilities. My commitment to the role is to ensure I can focus entirely on my duties and contribute effectively to the community.

6. Is there any IRL problem that prevents you from being active at the moment?

A. Currently, there are no real-life issues that are preventing me from being active. I’m fully available and committed to taking on the responsibilities of the role. If anything were to arise that could affect my availability, I would ensure to communicate it promptly and manage my duties to the best of my ability.

The administrator has the right to reject your application if
1. The application does not follow the format
2. The application is copy-pasted
3. The applicant has a low level / experience
4. The applicant doesn't fit the specifications the administration is looking for
5. The applicant has a long and recurring punishment history with multiple bans.
6. The application is low effort.
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