Rejected Leader For Los Nómadas | Assassin Richer

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Assassin Richer

RP Grand Mobile
1. IRL Name: Anurag Jaiswal
2. Age: 16 years
3. Time zone: GMT+05:30
4. Average online per day: 6-7
5. Your Discord: assassinricher0044
6. Your ingame name: Assassin Richer
7. Your ID: 333782
1. Leader for...
Ans: Los Nómadas
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
Ans: I want to become a leader of los Nómadas because I have past experience in los Nómadas and liberty Highcommond and I am applicable for leader because I learn all rule I am handle the gang and I do all work in time I have the good experience in RolePlay
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
Ans: I make the Los Nómadas in to the top and the Los Nómadas demand is high i loyal for gang and gang member I really to change the Los Nómadas in highest peak and I make a good leader of Los Nómadas gang
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