Rejected Admin Application, Marc Zamka

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Marc Zamka


1: Lucas
2: 16 years old
3: Gmt2
4: 18:00 to 20:00 and maybe more
5: 2h
6: Legammer62460
7: Marc Zamka
8: ID: 62085
9: i want be admin of this game
10: Yes i have a computer

Additional information:

1: i want be admin on this game because i’ve find this and i’ve good experience in administration so i want try, i was pd leader, army leader, administrator and manager event on OneState RP.

2: I know talk at players and help them, i was administrator and twice leader so i’m good in administration. I learn fast.

3: i dont really think i got, i dont care of insult and everything else.

4: Yes

5: I dont have so yes

6: I dont have problem
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