Rejected Leader For Inferno | Rachit Gamer

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----Your IRL Name--- --Rachit Mahaal--

---Your Age--- --16--

---Time Zone--- --GMT+5:30

---Daily Activity--- --9-12 hours--

---Discord I'd--- --rachit05353--

---IG-Game Name--- --Rachit Gamer--

---IG-Game-Id--- --153609--

Q.1. --Leader for -- Inferno --


Q.2. -- why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation?(give three reasons with explanation).

→ I was in high command in organisations and on last term in Liberty also and I have experience in the army three times {example}
→{how to manage the leader post} and {how to maintain discipline in my organisation} and {how to run my organisation any condition} so that my this experience gives me confidence that I can lead my organisation successfully.
and I have also known all rules and regulations.
1. → I have also experience, discipline, maintaining the organisation and I do have good communication and leadership skills.
2. → I have experience taking all the things which the leader should do?(how to handle my team in any situation) (how to maintain discipline in my organisation) (how should I not break any rule) etc...
3. → I am picking old and new members as I help new members and my department gives proper training. The reason → I am expecting any other organisation or members don't complain in my organisation because my members don't break any rule and if I have a chance to be the leader.

Q.3. Your advice for improving role play in the organisation?

→ I will improve on my organisation in the following ways.
1. --- I will try to create large quantity members in my Inferno gang to compare more other gang's organisations ---.
2. -- who are interested to join an organisation and I will help them explain all the rules and they get to the rules properly ---.
3. --- I will help every member to join the organisation I am offline any moment then my deputy leaders will help him.

---- which work I should do an impression in the game and on the discord (OOC) on the organisation ----.
---→ I will Full support my gang members if they get robbed and If any cases ----.

--- *Ending* ---
• Sir, i am writing this application own my words and all my experiences are there in my application.
---*Thank you*---
---Best regard by---
---Rachit Gamer---....
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