Important Rules of Green Zone

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Mujo Simba

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
It is a place where all criminal activities are forbidden.

General Rules for Green Zone
1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited | Jail 180 minutes
1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnap, rob people | Jail 180 minutes
1.3 It is forbidden to leave RP situation by joining in a green zone | Jail 180 minutes
2.1 List of all green zones: Government agencies: Ambulance, Army, Central Police, FIB, News, Government
2.2 Initial and public works: Bus Driver, Loader, Farmer, Woodcutter, Miner, Fisherman and Trucker
2.3 Other: News, Airport, Trade Market, Prison, Gas Station, Trade Market, ATM, Fishing Pier
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