N NOT GAMING Player Player Tuesday at 1:43 PM #1 I am commander of army and he is making fun of army and come again and again in base and kill all the soldiers Last edited: Tuesday at 1:54 PM
I am commander of army and he is making fun of army and come again and again in base and kill all the soldiers
Honey Pluxury Crime Curator Server Administrator Tuesday at 2:18 PM #3 Approved After reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this complaint. ID 80931 will be punished for GR 6.2 and using FL in RP Situation However, ID 153005 will be punished for MetaGaming (Using words like pov etc. are not allowed in RP Situation instead use bodycam)
Approved After reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this complaint. ID 80931 will be punished for GR 6.2 and using FL in RP Situation However, ID 153005 will be punished for MetaGaming (Using words like pov etc. are not allowed in RP Situation instead use bodycam)