Rejected Leader for Media | Hadi SlipzZ

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Hadi SlipzZ


1. Your IRL name: Hadi SlipzZ

2. Your age: 16

3. Time zone: GMT+5

4. Average online per day: 4-6 hours

5. Your Discord: hadikhatri

6. Your ingame name: Hadi SlipzZ

7. Your ID: 47

Additional information

1. Leader for Media

2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
Ans: I have been playing Grand rp for a really long time and i have been in an organization called LIfe Invader for most of my journey in grand i believe its similar to Media Organization. I know how to Media works, the departments of it so im familiar with it. Other than that i have good leadership skills which i believe will help me lead the organization very beautifully. I am not arrogant and rude so if i get leadership i will remain as calm and as polite as i am before leadership.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
Ans: I will follow all rules and will try my level best to follow the order of my curators in this way the organization will work in a very smooth way and this will definitely improve roleplay experience for everyone.
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