Your IRL Name: Arnav chaudhary
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Avarage online per day: 5 to 6 hours (even more sometimes)
Your discord: Arnav arnavchaudhary
Your in game name: Arnav Arnavchaudharyy
Your I'd:139898
# 1. Leader for Government
# 2.Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation?
i ---> In first I want to talk about my background, I'm in this city for 8 years and I have previous experience in FBI a senior agent
According to me, who have various organisations experience will be the perfect governor.... because in this position we have to build strong relations with other organisations for better growth...
ii---> I want to be the governor because I have faced alot wrong stuff in city...i saw criminals who ran away infront of law enforcement officers... it's a shame for all who work as law enforcements.. So if I become the Governor and what to change everything for good ....
iii---> we have to Admit that in all organisations have nepotism...i want to kill this nepotism in whole country.. i want give position who is accually worthy for it...
According to me this quality and determinations makes me qualifie as a governor of this beautiful city...
# 3. Your advice to improve the role play in this organisation.
---> I have various plans about it... I'm explained some below
i)) I want to held reguar Events among the city...(Every week)
ii)) I want to implant new rank system because according to me in government we have alot ranks, that is useless and ruin our RP experience..
iii)) I want to propose some new Laws and regulations , which will control the crime rates among the city
Arnav arnavchaudhary
Your age: 18
Time zone: GMT+5:30
Avarage online per day: 5 to 6 hours (even more sometimes)
Your discord: Arnav arnavchaudhary
Your in game name: Arnav Arnavchaudharyy
Your I'd:139898
# 1. Leader for Government
# 2.Why do you want to be the leader of this specific organisation?
i ---> In first I want to talk about my background, I'm in this city for 8 years and I have previous experience in FBI a senior agent
According to me, who have various organisations experience will be the perfect governor.... because in this position we have to build strong relations with other organisations for better growth...
ii---> I want to be the governor because I have faced alot wrong stuff in city...i saw criminals who ran away infront of law enforcement officers... it's a shame for all who work as law enforcements.. So if I become the Governor and what to change everything for good ....
iii---> we have to Admit that in all organisations have nepotism...i want to kill this nepotism in whole country.. i want give position who is accually worthy for it...
According to me this quality and determinations makes me qualifie as a governor of this beautiful city...
# 3. Your advice to improve the role play in this organisation.
---> I have various plans about it... I'm explained some below

i)) I want to held reguar Events among the city...(Every week)
ii)) I want to implant new rank system because according to me in government we have alot ranks, that is useless and ruin our RP experience..
iii)) I want to propose some new Laws and regulations , which will control the crime rates among the city
Arnav arnavchaudhary