1 IRL name - shivanshu Pandey
2. Your age - 25 yrs
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 6hour +
5. Your Discord - shivanshu 0292
6. Your ingame name - imshivuu pandey
7. Your ID - 135795
Additional information
1. Leader for LOS NOMADAS
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
ANS: there are many reasons of being the leader of los nomadas but there are some :
--My skills
-- I have many skills like driving skills if we are going to army raid of for fight or to paint factory we have driving skills so we can reach fast or collect the graffiti faster them other gangs ..
-- I have shooting skills and I am a best shooter if there is any fight we have shooting skills so we can easily win it...
-- I see many members many high command that they didn't know shooting and driving so in many fights los nomadas lose so I make sure that everyone have shooting and driving skills.....
-- connection of friendship and gang
-- I have seen that many people didn't know rules but they joined because of their high command friends I will ask questions randomly if someone don't know I will explain him but next time it happens so it will lead to punishment.....
-- communication skills
-- if any one want to join the gang so I will explain him all steps that how to join and if he doesn't know rules I give him personal training of rules in any language he wants but I will tell him to talk in English in organisation if I don't have time I will call any high command he will teach him.....
--Rules and regulations
-- I know all rules and regulations so I will never do mistake and it is to help other players to....
I promise that if I become leader of this gang I will make it the best....
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay
y in the organization.
Ans: I work in los nomadas I think it's a good gang but there need some changes:
-- I tell that many players didn't know rules and the join with the help of their friends so I will take test every week if they don't know I will make them understand if second time it happens it will lead to punishment...
-- their are many players that didn't know driving skills so in many paint factory events they can't reach faster and the other gang collect all grafitti and many players didn't know shooting so we lose many fights so I will give them training everyone every week ..
Thank you...

RP Grand
Ft Los Namadas
2. Your age - 25 yrs
3. Time zone - IST
4. Average online per day - 6hour +
5. Your Discord - shivanshu 0292
6. Your ingame name - imshivuu pandey
7. Your ID - 135795
Additional information
1. Leader for LOS NOMADAS
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
ANS: there are many reasons of being the leader of los nomadas but there are some :
--My skills
-- I have many skills like driving skills if we are going to army raid of for fight or to paint factory we have driving skills so we can reach fast or collect the graffiti faster them other gangs ..
-- I have shooting skills and I am a best shooter if there is any fight we have shooting skills so we can easily win it...
-- I see many members many high command that they didn't know shooting and driving so in many fights los nomadas lose so I make sure that everyone have shooting and driving skills.....
-- connection of friendship and gang
-- I have seen that many people didn't know rules but they joined because of their high command friends I will ask questions randomly if someone don't know I will explain him but next time it happens so it will lead to punishment.....
-- communication skills
-- if any one want to join the gang so I will explain him all steps that how to join and if he doesn't know rules I give him personal training of rules in any language he wants but I will tell him to talk in English in organisation if I don't have time I will call any high command he will teach him.....
--Rules and regulations
-- I know all rules and regulations so I will never do mistake and it is to help other players to....
I promise that if I become leader of this gang I will make it the best....
3. Your advice for improving Roleplay
y in the organization.
Ans: I work in los nomadas I think it's a good gang but there need some changes:
-- I tell that many players didn't know rules and the join with the help of their friends so I will take test every week if they don't know I will make them understand if second time it happens it will lead to punishment...
-- their are many players that didn't know driving skills so in many paint factory events they can't reach faster and the other gang collect all grafitti and many players didn't know shooting so we lose many fights so I will give them training everyone every week ..
Thank you...

RP Grand
Ft Los Namadas