Approved Leader of Police Department | HenryCalipso OO

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Leader of organization
Leader of organization

1. Your IRL name: Utkarsh

2. Your age : 16

3. Time zone : IST

4. Average online per day : 8 hours

5. Your Discord : baap0143

6. Your ingame : HenryCalipso OO

7. Your ID : 47942

Additional information

1. Leader for... Central Police

2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)

  • I want to be the Leader of Central Police because i see it as a Most important Organisation in the city for maintaining a peaceful city in where every citizen are following state rules no crimes happening! and yes i am ready to lead the Central Police as i can make some changes and make it more perfect i wont promise any kind of huge changes but yes i would give all of the citizen a better place to spend their life here and as a chief of police i would make sure that i have highly trained cadets and officers in my Department and no high command is biased!
• I will make sure that my department is active and have enough unit to serve any kind of situation

• I will make sure that I get better high commands to manage my organization easily in my absence

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.

• we will host open recruitment regularly

• we will have better IA team for better internal security

• We will create new better documents for our officer and cadets

• we will erase the crime from the city
1) (irl name) pardhu marley
2) (age) 26
3) (time zone) india (UTC +5:30)
4) (Average online per day) 4-6 Hours
5) (discord) pardhumarley7545
6) (in game name) pardhumarley pardhu
7) ( ID) 43198

Additional informations:
Leader for Police Department
| Why do I want to become the leader of the Police Department?
because of the roleplay improvement; as we all know, a weak leadership directly impacting the state organisation members, which resulting in total or partial destruction on the roleplay and gameplay for other citizens in the state.
I bring with me, in this leadership position, over 2 years and more then 1000 hours of experience as a police officer, from others games ( if needed, I can offer additional informations); I experienced in the police department officer, all levels of responsibilities, I starting as officer then after enormous work, I was promoted to all levels until I become Federal General (leader). Under my command, more then 250 officers, we focused day and night on the improvement of the roleplay for all levels of the citizens (from workers to gangs). (many of my ex-officers are playing this game right now, so if evidence need, I can provide). AS leader, I make couple of the biggest events ever to this date in the previous game I been playing, biggest representing events based on numbers of the players present to the events.
As leader, I was lucky and blessed to have near my side one of the best PD swat leaders and members, interviewing officers and training officers.
the 3rd reason will be, my strongest believe in all state organisations; all state organisations need and should help eachother with informations and provide backup when need it. As the game will become bigger and bigger in numbers of players, providing help will be necessary.

You have been selected for PD interview!

Please contact me (carljordan) on Discord within 24 hours to schedule the interview

Failure to make contact will result in the automatic rejection of your application.​
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