1. Your IRL name- sudip
2. Your age- 16
3. Time zone- +5:30 INDIA
4. Average online per day- 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord- Chill Heven
6. Your ingame name- ITSCaptain Its
7. Your ID- 174040
Additional information
1. Leader for... Los nomad
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
I fell into leadership roles when I was a child I was always selected as the monitor of class,captain of house , school etc . Then I heard about rp grand then I decided to show my talent in games then I applied for leader of liberty but I always get rejected one day a man was approved then I thought that I lost my chance then I saw that leader for viper is also free I applied I got selected and after that my interview was shedule at 18:00 server time according to Indian time it was night time I am a person who generally online only in day I wasn't able to join so I closed my application before interview and then I asked someone who says that leader for liberty is still pending so then I applied to become leader of liberty anyhow but I got rejected again in interview now I want to become leader of los nomad because I will be perfect for it because after rejection I read all the rules of leader , genral rules, ghetto rules etc , and with my will power i became the hc (Graffiti leader) of viper and I play day and night learned all rules now I have lot of experience after getting rejected now I will be perfect for this position. I have taken interview of people of viper after getting a 4 day training.
I want to become leader of los nomad because I want to take los nomad in it's position I have observed that these days gang' s are competing with los nomad and getting fast progress thus I want to make los nomad best one in the city and I am also a good leader in real life also that is why I want to become leader of this organisation and i have also observed the some problem in los nomad organisation and los nomad has the felling that you are in a gang its dress and everything this give vibes and if I get approved then i will not let this chance to go from my hands.... I will definitely clear interview this time!!!
Thirdly, I struggle a lot in night learn all rules and played game full night and day experience a lot and now I want to become leader of los nomad organisation and I will give my best if I become leader of los nomad and try to make los nomad best gang in city and i will also try to capture the military base with strategies and I will make los nomad a baddas gang in whole world of RP grand I have also collected a lot of information in these day and now I am applying for leader of los nomad and i will prove what thing I am to whole city of RP grand city.
I have also a lot of interest to rob kidnap and everything (only in game) I also have been the member of liberty and hc in viper and if I will become leader of los nomad organisation then army will fear from us.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay
in the organization.
My another advice for improving Roleplay in game that I have seen a lot of time is spent on typing so that is why I will like to give a suggestion to my member of viper that to join discord app and there they will talk easily in vc this will increase the role play in organisation.
I am also the ex liberty of liberty, ex army, ex hospital doctor ex los nomad and currently viper hc. I think if i could together put my all experience then I can easily run this organisation this is the latest most know'n gang in city that is why I will like to take this position and rule the whole los nomad gang and i have also readed many leadership books like good to great and one or two others.
I have seen Many gangs having a dress like begger and i don't want that my gang also have situation like this so I will choose a good dress for my gang dresscode and this also give self satisfaction that is why this will increase role play in game
To increase roleplay in game is to see members is equal way and no abusing is allowed in my justice circle
where no high command can give orders to lower members roughly they have to talk in respective way no matter who is the person leader of low experience member.
This can also increase roleplay in game
many low rank player are not getting proper ammunition for event's so I will use a special technical method called Time table technique.
I will make a time table that when to rob military base when to do hostage event and everything so that player precious time should't be spoiled.
This will increase roleplay in game according to time table.
I will also request admin to increase the event because it is becoming boring to do Same event many times this will also increase roleplay in game.
My last advise to increase roleplay if I will become leader then I will also give access to more cars to lower level members and will also increase the number of days to get leave so that they can reset and also work with full energy on next time . This will increase the role play in game
2. Your age- 16
3. Time zone- +5:30 INDIA
4. Average online per day- 4 to 5 hours
5. Your Discord- Chill Heven
6. Your ingame name- ITSCaptain Its
7. Your ID- 174040
Additional information
1. Leader for... Los nomad
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
I fell into leadership roles when I was a child I was always selected as the monitor of class,captain of house , school etc . Then I heard about rp grand then I decided to show my talent in games then I applied for leader of liberty but I always get rejected one day a man was approved then I thought that I lost my chance then I saw that leader for viper is also free I applied I got selected and after that my interview was shedule at 18:00 server time according to Indian time it was night time I am a person who generally online only in day I wasn't able to join so I closed my application before interview and then I asked someone who says that leader for liberty is still pending so then I applied to become leader of liberty anyhow but I got rejected again in interview now I want to become leader of los nomad because I will be perfect for it because after rejection I read all the rules of leader , genral rules, ghetto rules etc , and with my will power i became the hc (Graffiti leader) of viper and I play day and night learned all rules now I have lot of experience after getting rejected now I will be perfect for this position. I have taken interview of people of viper after getting a 4 day training.
I want to become leader of los nomad because I want to take los nomad in it's position I have observed that these days gang' s are competing with los nomad and getting fast progress thus I want to make los nomad best one in the city and I am also a good leader in real life also that is why I want to become leader of this organisation and i have also observed the some problem in los nomad organisation and los nomad has the felling that you are in a gang its dress and everything this give vibes and if I get approved then i will not let this chance to go from my hands.... I will definitely clear interview this time!!!
Thirdly, I struggle a lot in night learn all rules and played game full night and day experience a lot and now I want to become leader of los nomad organisation and I will give my best if I become leader of los nomad and try to make los nomad best gang in city and i will also try to capture the military base with strategies and I will make los nomad a baddas gang in whole world of RP grand I have also collected a lot of information in these day and now I am applying for leader of los nomad and i will prove what thing I am to whole city of RP grand city.
I have also a lot of interest to rob kidnap and everything (only in game) I also have been the member of liberty and hc in viper and if I will become leader of los nomad organisation then army will fear from us.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay
in the organization.
My another advice for improving Roleplay in game that I have seen a lot of time is spent on typing so that is why I will like to give a suggestion to my member of viper that to join discord app and there they will talk easily in vc this will increase the role play in organisation.
I am also the ex liberty of liberty, ex army, ex hospital doctor ex los nomad and currently viper hc. I think if i could together put my all experience then I can easily run this organisation this is the latest most know'n gang in city that is why I will like to take this position and rule the whole los nomad gang and i have also readed many leadership books like good to great and one or two others.
I have seen Many gangs having a dress like begger and i don't want that my gang also have situation like this so I will choose a good dress for my gang dresscode and this also give self satisfaction that is why this will increase role play in game
To increase roleplay in game is to see members is equal way and no abusing is allowed in my justice circle

This can also increase roleplay in game
many low rank player are not getting proper ammunition for event's so I will use a special technical method called Time table technique.
I will make a time table that when to rob military base when to do hostage event and everything so that player precious time should't be spoiled.
This will increase roleplay in game according to time table.
I will also request admin to increase the event because it is becoming boring to do Same event many times this will also increase roleplay in game.
My last advise to increase roleplay if I will become leader then I will also give access to more cars to lower level members and will also increase the number of days to get leave so that they can reset and also work with full energy on next time . This will increase the role play in game