Rejected Leader for los nomadas | Haseeb khan

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Ex leader of vipers gang
1. Your IRL name : Haseeb khan

2. Your age: 18

3. Time zone: +5:30 IST

4. Average online per day: 5-6 Hours

5. Your Discord: hasseb0125

6. Your in-game name: Haseeb baloch

7. Your ID: 62170

Additional information

1. Leader for :
Los Nomadas
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
> I was High Command (Rank under deputy) in last term. understood that how to run a gang being in that position last term. That experience gives me a confidence that I can lead the gang successfully.
and i am also aware of all the Ghetto Rules and Regulations. -1 am also Experienced with Managing the Organization and i do have Good Communication and Leadership Skills.
-1 am also aware of the things which a leader should do.
-1 am picking this one because this is my Favorite
Organization as I was helped when I was member and I am willing to Help the Members if i have a Chance to be the Leader.
3. Your advice for Improving RolePlay in the organization.
Ans. I will improve Roleplay in the Following Ways.
- I want to help new players who join the RP Grand and the People who are interested to join an Organisation and i will help them Understand the Rules and the Ghetto Rules.
-I will help everyone as much as I could. If i am offline even then my Deputy Leaders and Under Deputies will do the
work which i should do.
I will not be Disrespectful, Mean or any other things which could hurt the feelings of others as it might get a had Impression the Game and on the Organization
- I will Support my Fellow Gang Members if they Got Robbed and in any cases.
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