Rejected Admin Application | Zack Legend

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FBI Deputy Director

Your IRL Name: Kaushal

2. Your Age: 20

3. Time Zone: GMT +5:30 IST

4. Server Time, When Do You Play: 01:30 - 4:30 and 14:00 -16:00

5. Average Activity Per Day (hours): 10+ hours

6. Your Discord: z_.047

7. Your Ingame Name: Zack Legend

8. Your ID (Permanent one, you can find it on Menu > Profile below): 46743

9. I Want to Be the Curator (Admin) of: State (preferred also can do Crime curatorship have previous experience)

10. Do You Have a PC That You Can Use for Admin Duty (REQUIRED): Yes, I have a high-end Laptop.

Additional Information

1. Why Do You Want to Become an Admin?

After playing in many different groups within Grand RP, I know the community and just what it needs. If I will become Admin than it would be the right way to help me more challenging myself but also to give back to the server that I've grown to love. I am excited about guiding players through the game, maintaining fairness and an enjoyable in-game environment.

2. What Are Your Strengths?

- I am able to keep cool under pressure, and as such can deal with disputes or other fights efficiently.

• I act and decide consistently, which helps me to gain trust from the community

• I learn quickly, which allows me to adapt to new rules, systems, and challenges.

3. Your Greatest Weaknesses
I can be overly perfectionistic and spend longer than I should on a task. I’m learning to balance this by prioritizing efficiency without compromising quality.

4. Are You Going to Waddle Away from the RP Life and Admin It Up?
Absolutely. I really like RP but I´m willing to be an admin now and help shape the experiences of others and asure all the new players are aware of rules, if still violating then issue proper punishments.

5. Will You Be Ready to Sell Your Business? (It is Forbidden to Have a Business While You Are an Administrator): I don't own one.

6. Is There Any IRL Problem That Prevents You from Being Active at the Moment?
No, I am ready to dedicate myself to the role.
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