Reviewed Leader for yellow gang | rajput assassin

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1. Your name IRL: Pushkar Singh
2. Your age: 19
3. Time zone: india
4. Average online per day: 8-10Hours
5. Your Discord: mrsingh0268
6. Your Nickname: rajput assassin
7. Your ID: 25062

Additional information
1. Leader of yellow gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I want to be leader because i want to make a gang who shows all the city and other that there is a gang who is active everywere in Events and in ghetto by dominating the ghetto and robing and killing in ghetto also i will show that yellow is the best gang i will make yellow the best gang by doing spray in ghetto every hour and doing all criminal activity we can we will do.

2.2 If i get the leadership there will be no toxicity inside the gang to other gang member and outside of gang specially i dont like when there is toxicity and racism in gang that make the gang weak internally and externally and i will make sure that no one do toxicity to anyone if this happen the guy who do it will face cosnsequences no matter if he is a HC or whichever rank.

2.3 Thirdly, I want to make it my duties to make sure that I am making the gang a great place for everyone and making sure that all the members are keeping great motivation for the gang and are wanting to progress through the ranks. Everyone will be treated fairly and be treated with the up most respect. I will give people opportunities at new thing's whether that be them being on the Turf Team, etc.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

-The biggest problems in gangs right now is no one takes them seriously they just recruit people and thats it give them ranks and what they just do it just go and break rules. i have some plans for helping people out we will not recruit anyone without a proper interview and no HC can give anyone else a HC rank without permision of the deputy and leader in this way the gang system will organized very well in that way.

Goals as yellow leader:

1 - 100 Percent Turf
2 - 1k plus spray Profit every Hour
3 - Daily Hostage Situation,Store Roberry
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