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  1. K

    Pending review Ban for Cheats | Mujo Simba

    Sir you have banned me from discord rp grand main server because i was spaming simultaneously. So l request you sir please unban me from discord rp grand main server because i have strated a fully new journey with no rule break and non misbehaving or non spaming. I hope you unban me My discord...
  2. K

    Rejected Ban for Cheats | Mujo Simba

    Sir you have banned me from discord rp grand main server because i was spaming simultaneously. So l request you sir please unban me from discord rp grand main server beacause i have strated a fully new journey with no rule break and non misbehaving or non spaming. i hope you will unban me sir...
  3. K

    Rejected Ban for Cheats | Mujo Simba

    Sir you have banned me from discord rp grand main server because i was spaming simultaneously. So I request you sir please unban me from discord rp grand main server beacause i have strated a fully new journey with no rule break and non misbehaving or non spaming. i hope you will unban me sir
  4. K

    Approved DM | 201 LOKESH JAAT

    He killed without any reason. He killed me 2 times but first time i forgot to take pov then he killed me again so took the pov. Please jail him i hope i get justice