Search results

  1. T

    Rejected Application For Admin||Tommy Vice

    Information 1. Your IRL name: Jawad 2. Your age: 17 3. Time zone: IST 4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play: 18:00 to 20:00 5. Average activity per day (in hours): 1 to 3 hours 6. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 7...
  2. T

    Rejected Leader for Government | Tommy Vice

    Information 1. IRL Name: Jawad 2. Age: 17 3. Time Zone: IST (Indian Standard Time) 4. Average Online Per Day: 2 - 3 hours (mostly more) 5. Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 6. Ingame Name: Tommy Vice 7. ID: 112383 Additional...
  3. T

    Rejected Leader for army | Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL name: Jawad 2. Your age: 17 3. Time zone: IST 4. Average online per day: 2-4 hours 5. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 6. Your in-game name: Tommy Vice 7. Your ID: 112383 Additional Information 1. Leader for…Army...
  4. T

    Rejected Leader for army | Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL name: Jawad 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST 4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours 5. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 6. Your in-game name: Tommy Vice 7. Your ID: 112383 1. Leader for... Ans. Army 2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization...
  5. T

    Rejected Leader for army | Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL name: Jawad 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST 4. Average online per day: 4-5 hours 5. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 6. Your in-game name: Tommy Vice 7. Your ID: 112383 1. Leader for... Ans. Army 2. Why do you want to be...
  6. T

    Rejected Admin Application | Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL name: Tommy Vice 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST 4. Based on Server Time, from what time until what time you play: From 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM Server Time 5. Average activity per day (in hours): 4-5 hours 6. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 7. Your ingame name: Tommy Vice 8...
  7. T

    Rejected Leader For Army | Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL Name: Jawad 2. Your Age: 18 3. Time Zone: IST 4. Average Online Per Day: 4 to 5 hours 5. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 6. Your In-Game Name: Tommy Vice 7. Your ID: 112383 Leader For: ARMY Why I Want to Become the Leader of the Army 1. To Protect and Serve...
  8. T

    Rejected Leader for army | Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL Name: Jawad 2. Your Age: 18 3. Time Zone: IST 4. Average Online Per Day: 4 to 5 hours 5. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 6. Your In-Game Name: Tommy Vice 7. Your ID: 112383 Leader For: ARMY Why I Want to Become the Leader of the Army 1. To Protect and Serve...
  9. T

    Rejected Admin Application - Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL name: Tommy Vice 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST 4. Based on Server Time, from what time until what time you play: From 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM Server Time 5. Average activity per day (in hours): 4-5 hours 6. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 7. Your ingame name: Tommy Vice 8...
  10. T

    Rejected Admin Application - Tommy Vice

    1. Your IRL name: Tommy Vice 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST 4. Based on Server Time, from what time until what time you play: (Example:- From 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM Server Time) 5. Average activity per day (in hours): 4-5 hours 6. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061...
  11. T

    Rejected Admin Application | Tommy Vice

    Personal Information 1. Your IRL name: Jawad 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST (Indian Standard Time) 4. Based on Server Time: From 10:00 to 15:00 server time. 5. Average activity per day: 4-5 hours. 6. Your Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061...
  12. T

    Rejected Admin Role Application - Tommy Vice

    • IRL Name: Jawad • Character Age: 10 • Time Zone: IST • Average Online Per Day: 5-6 hours • Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 • In-Game Name: Tommy Vice • ID: 112383 Additional information 1. Leader for... Army 2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization...
  13. T

    Rejected Application for Admin Role in RP Grand

    Application for Administrator Role in RP Grand Mobile Personal Information 1. Your IRL name: Jawad 2. Your age: 18 3. Time zone: IST (Indian Standard Time) 4. Based on Server Time: From 10:00 to 15:00 server time. 5. Average activity per day: 4-5...
  14. T

    Rejected Army Leader Application -Tommy Vice

    • IRL Name: Jawad • Character Age: 10 • Time Zone: [Add your time zone] • Average Online Per Day: 5-6 hours • Discord: exquisite_wolf_85061 • In-Game Name: Tommy Vice • ID: 112383 Additional information 1. Leader for... Army 2. Why do...
  15. T

    Rejected Application for Army Leader - Tommy Vice: Ready to Lead!

    • Name: Tommy Vice • Now Rank: Lieutenant 1 • In-Game Hours: 5+ • Availability: Always on-call • Joined the Game: 1 month ago • In-Character Age: 10 • I’ve gained experience leading missions and training new soldiers, learning key leadership...
  16. T

    Rejected Application for Army Leader - Tommy Vice: Ready to Lead!

    Army Leader Application Personal Information: • Name: Tommy Vice • Current Rank: Lieutenant 1 • Total In-game Hours: 5+ hours • On-call Availability: Available whenever needed • Joined the Game: 0 years, 1 month ago Experience: I have over a month of experience in army...
  17. T

    Rejected Application for Army Leader - Tommy Vice: Ready to Lead!

    Army Leader Application Personal Information: • Name: Tommy Vice • Current Rank: Lieutenant 1 • Total In-game Hours: 5+ hours • On-call Availability: Available whenever needed • Joined the Game: 0 years, 1 month ago Experience: I have over...