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    Pending review DM | AssassianxRana MRxlj

    Hello Sir, Today at the PF Event this guy was killing to someone before the pf event starts!

    On consideration Leader For Media | MTG KING

    Information 1. Your IRL name: Paras Patel 2. Your age: 17 3. Time zone: IST 4. Average online per day: 10+ Hours (if got term) 5. Your Discord: harshadmehta01 6. Your ingame name: MTG KING 7. Your ID: 30613 Additional information 1. Leader for...MEDIA 2. Why do you want to be the...

    Rejected Discord Ban | Dyno Bot

    Hello Mujo Sir, it's been likely 7 Days I have been got banned for sending files, I'm really sorry for it Sir, I know Sir I should be responsible for it but Sir it has happened mistakenly as I told and also Sir 30 days ban is too much time of punishment as I did it first time I didn't got warn...

    Rejected Discord Ban | Dyno Bot

    My Discord ID: 1153714779245006878 Hello Mujo Sir, I was recently banned from the RP Grand Discord server by the Dyno Bot for sending files. I intended to share the files with a friend in his private dm, but one of them was accidentally posted in the RP Grand server. This mistake was...

    Approved Blocked For GR 1.9 | Mujo Simba

    Hello Dear Mujo Sir, My account got blocked for 60 Days and i got to know that i breaked GR 1.9 Rule Sir, and also sir I swear that i didn't aware of this rule GR 1.9 as it was my first mistake plz pardon me and if possible plz unwipe my whole money and unban me sir. Thank You.

    Rejected Inactivity | Cherish Chedda

    Hello Dear Mujo Sir, I want to raise a concern regarding the handling of report, particularly about the gang Vipers and it's Curator Cherish Chedda. For a long time, I have submitted multiple reports detailing the rule-breaking activities of Vipers. These reports contain clear evidence of...

    Approved MetaGaming | Vipers

    Hello Sir, 2 members of vipers was spamming + doing MetaGaming mixing. Pov is given below. Thank You.

    Reviewed Gh 2.13, 2.22, 2.27, 2.29 | Vipers

    Hello Sir, they attacked on us and they kept AR Ammo as in the Terms And Conditions and one of there member bring car inside zone + used shotgun + he was using armour. Proof is given below check it out.

    Reviewed NLR, Gh 2.10, 2.13, 2.14 | Vipers

    Hello Sir, Today they attacked on us at 20:05 and we all entered after that one player of viper in start of cot when we enter at that time i killed him but after some time at 3:40 that mmber camed again on cot and was tring to kill us + they set 10 participants but as pov they are more then the...
  10. MTG KING

    Approved Gh 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.25, 2.27 | Vipers

    Hello Sir, Today we did an cot event, i have given proof in which many rule breaks are there ``At 1:50`` 1 member of viper entered zone and then he leaved zone at ``2:15`` for more then 7 seconds and then at ``2:44`` we can see viper member camed inside zone with his personal car and then he...
  11. MTG KING

    Reviewed GR 6.15 | Vipers

    Hello Dear Curator, 1 Day Before the Vipers was trying to kidnap me but they were using no organization cars for kidnapping me and they got no punishment for that. Plz check proof and take some actions, as the rule has been broked by the leader of the Vipers Gang. Thank You.
  12. MTG KING

    Approved Gh 2.27 | Vipers

    Many members of vipers were driving the car inside the zone and Parker there only. Proof is given below plz check it out. Thank You.
  13. MTG KING

    Approved Misusing Powers | Yaga Marlega

    Hello Sir, The one Yaga Marlega Admin and the Curator of the EMS. Is misusing his power, he is telling me u will get global blacklist and not giving me any reason and telling all org leaders to blacklist me which is wrong the issue was I want to leave from EMS but chief was asking for money give...
  14. MTG KING

    Rejected Corruption | Sunny Philips

    He is taking money for the ranks in EMS as he is the chief of the EMS and he giving ranks for ic money. As it is an Corruption Proof Given.
  15. MTG KING

    Approved ER. 1.4, Gh 2.12, 2.13, 2.14 | Vipers

    Hello Sir, in the COT at first there was 1 member Of Vipers inside the zone after that we killed him and after sometime likely after 5 mins Vipers Camed and they entered zone 8 members and 1 was outside of territory and shooting on us, and we are attacker side we kept 8x8, AR they camed 9...
  16. MTG KING

    Reviewed GH 2.13, 2.14, 2.25 | Vipers

    Hello Sir, at the first when we enter 4-5 viper members enter zone and leaved zone and after that one member of there gang camed at last moment we can see that in the last minute of video, one kel dee member was at the cot territoty near to it and entered at last moment. Pov is given.
  17. MTG KING

    Approved Gh 2.25, 2.22, 2.14 | Inferno

    Hello Dear Curator, Today the inferno had attacked on us at 16:30 the terms and conditions were 6x6, Assault Rifle.but they camed more then the given terms and conditions and they also used shotgun one of there member, and at last 2 members remained and they both leaved the zone for more then 7...
  18. MTG KING

    Approved Gh 1.6 | Inferno

    Hello Sir, Member of the Inferno was not wearing his own gang dress colour clothes. He was using other dress In the PF Event. Plz review the proof. Thank You.
  19. MTG KING

    Reviewed Gh 2.13, 2.25 | Inferno

    Hello Sir, In this cot they have been attacked on us and when we all entered the zone there members were 5 and after that one leaved and didnt camed back in 7 seconds and after sometime we saw 2 more players coming inside as per 2.25 the gang has to enter at same time with full force but they...
  20. MTG KING

    Approved Gh 2.12, NLR | Inferno

    Hello Dear Inferno Curator, This was an COT Event at 16:00 Server Timeand this was an Attack by Liberty. The terms were 10x10 Participants but they camed more then that as shown in the pov. Also the one of there gang member did the NLR he died and he camed back in the cot raid plz watch out the...