Search results

  1. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Leader for media | Vinay VS

    Rejected Application is very short Try to explain more why you want to become leader
  2. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Leader for media| Golu raja

    Rejected Wrong Permanent ID provided Application has some parts generated from AI GPT Make application in your own words
  3. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Leader for media | Vinay VS

  4. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Leader for media| Golu raja

  5. Carl Jordan

    Reviewed Leader for media | Fazal Ryder

  6. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Leader For Media || Samson ka

  7. Carl Jordan

    Rejected POV Request | ID 248

    After reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Reject this complaint. POV not required
  8. Carl Jordan

    Rejected POV Request | ID 248

  9. Carl Jordan

    Reviewed GR 3.3 | 48

    Closed On Request
  10. Carl Jordan

    Reviewed GR 3.3 | 48

    On Consideration After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment. Please provide POV(video) of the whole situation. You have 12 hours to reply.
  11. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Pov req | 0000

    Rejected POV not required
  12. Carl Jordan

    Reviewed GR 3.3 | 48

  13. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Pov req | 0000

  14. Carl Jordan

    Rejected A scammer player

    After reviewing, I have decided to Reject this complaint. POV has been removed by the owner
  15. Carl Jordan

    Rejected A scammer player

  16. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Hacking | couldnt see ID

    Closed Duplicate complaint
  17. Carl Jordan

    Rejected Hacking | couldnt see ID

  18. Carl Jordan

    Approved Leader of Army | Zack Legend

    Approved Selected as leader, all the best for the term
  19. Carl Jordan

    Reviewed LEADER FOR ARMY| Ahmed Saeed

    Rejected Another applicant chosen, better luck next time
  20. Carl Jordan

    Reviewed Application for leader of army | rajput assassin

    Rejected Another applicant chosen, better luck next time