We were doing a family raid and you can clearly see in POV that first VICTOR PAGEXTK came in time stamp 2:00 and RAPS KT came in time stamp 2:37 and in time stamp 4:00 you can clearly see in kill feed VICTOR PAGEXTK did NLR and in 5:20 RAPS KT did NLR
Sir as seen in pov this guy told me to transfer money in ATM I transferred him 20k and he didn't give me sand and after that he shoot me . I got scammed please sir give me justice and please refund my money
All clear haris pakistani warraich using bug he killed Yamraj in 2 bullets and me in 3 bullets previously he received punishment for using same bug and he is using it again play it in 0.25x for better please check sir
All clear haris pakistani warraich using bug he killed Yamraj in 2 bullets and me in 3 bullets previously he received punishment for using same bug and he is using it again play it in 0.25x for better please check sir