Rejected Afk of government leader

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Your Nick-Name
Royal Sherry

Suspect Nick-Name
Janodi Janodi
Aug 21, 2024


I have a Complaint against Government leader Mr janodi Gaming he's doing afk for almost about 26mins at Airport which is Highly unprofessional as a Leader of Organisations I hope you will take action against this

Thank you
With all my respect to your complain,
I'm in game, and working on both government discord and my family calculations, as I spend over 20 hours between those, and I believe you're adding more way time.

If you lost the business war for family doesn't mean to take to this level of revenges to try to dismiss me from government.
we are doing our best to be 1st organization, as we are 1st family, and always will be as well as 1st top player, and top 5th richest players and I work hard on all aspects even with support and feedback section with developers and admins.

As I also have many complains against you dear but i consider you as a new player in the game and I won't include myself and my name into such an action like that.

Anyway Thank you for the report,
server admin kindly check time spent on discord during that report, I was working on government departments and regulations of discord at same time and it is in the frame of my gaming time the we agreed, I believe I sleep 4-5 hours in the day.
So might my iPad for short time out of sight during the day while eating or going to bathroom.
Adding to that game crushes and re-connect so might also the reason of delay my replay.
Also the after selecting server there is a full screen of choosing where to respwan, but at same time the player is in the game and else players can see him but he can't see them,
This happened to me after game lost connection and reconnect automatically, so basically I don't know i am inside the game as physical player. As chat all get deleted, so I might not notice. All I remebered I replayed that guy, he just want to make a big deal of this for attend harming nothing more than that. Due to lose of his family in war business, and he merge to another family and again lost it, so trying to come up with anything to ruin our reputation.

Dear complainer there is only 2 ways to build a high building
1. To work hard and study engineering to build it.
2. Or by burning all surrounding building so your building will be the highest building.

I choose to work hard to build!

I also have to thank you for make me also the 1st person who got complain about.
The Fruitful tree is always thrown by stones.

On the other hand no wonder why you got dismissed from army organization due to your behaviors.

Dear admin i want to complain on the complainer for committing ruining on my name, family and to organizations that I work day and night for.

Thanks admins
Best regards
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I have a Complaint against Government leader Mr janodi Gaming he's doing afk for almost about 26mins at Airport which is Highly unprofessional as a Leader of Organisations I hope you will take action against this

Thank you
He was eating at the time, he is always working for our government and government discord to make it more easier for us to play with rules and law, janodi is a hardworking person.
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