Rejected Goverment currupt| Izhan Khan| 122480

Izhan khan

Organization: Government

Name: Izhan Khan
Age: 17
Nationality: Turkish
Place of birth: San- Andreas
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: none
Advantages: great leadership skills , Helping nature , very effective communication skills, good listener and love to learn new things
Weakness: get attached easily

Life story:
Izhan Khan was born in the underdeveloped neighborhood of Los Santos. His parents died right after his birth while bringing him back to their home. They were shot by gang members, where he was left until cops arrived and eventually dropped him off in an orphanage. Forced to raise himself without any parental support, he faced the hardships of life including struggles in early school and getting bullied by others in his school. He always wanted to rise above others and make his points known whether by force or by any other means, this mentality only grew stronger within him as he reaches his adulthood.
He got a very good friend Osman who help him throughout his adulthood unfortunately one day they eangaged in fight and they both dominated the bullies but one of the person who is against them had connection to gang he called his members and gang member killed Osman but izhan manage to escape he paid that gang to be alive he sold his property for his life

Career Story:
Straight after college, with the connections he had made, Izhan found himself working as an accountant for a small law firm in the city of Los Santos. He had a lot of fun being secretly unruly with his friends, but he was bored, and hungry for real power, like his dad had as a politician, so he made his way into the government. he found himself working as an USSS agent for the government of San Andreas. he was fraternizing with politicians like the governor during the day, and criminals and gangsters at night. As he learned the ropes of the USSS, he continued to use his influence and persuasion to gain power, as well as maintain and expand his friendships with the more dangerous people. Eventually, he worked her way up to Head of USSS, and with his shiny new title in front of him and a crew of ride or die, treacherous friends behind him, he began to feel unstoppable. he began to make power plays, using his seemingly invincible status to bend even more rules in order to gain more money, more attention, and best of all, more connections, to be used in his favor at his convenience.

1- Izhan can take bribes (up to 100k and ask for guns/ammo/illegal stuff as a bribe).
2- izhan can destroy devices such as body cams
3- Izhan can lie about requesting a lawyer, lie about identification/not to show any
identification to any suspect/lawyer.
4- Izhan can break state laws while on or off duty. ( IC Laws only )
5- izhan can engage in any type of criminal activities with his family members and her friends.
6- izhan can commit crimes as a corrupt LEO. For example, go ghetto , buy/sell guns from market, or use illegal stuff /weapons(no ORG weapons included).