Reviewed Leader for Central Police | Ahmad Saeed

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Mujtaba sayedzada

1. Your IRL name
Ahmed Mujtaba Sayedzada
2. Your age
3. Time zone
4. Average online per day
3-4hrs a day
5. Your Discord
6. Your ingame name
Ahmed saeed
7. Your ID

Additional information

1. Leader for... police organisation

2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
I wanna be a leader as I honestly really like the concept of this role playing game and I was a deputy for the previous leadership, I have brought a lot to the organisation like hiring players in the faction making the rules for the faction making ranks, and managing the faction as it should be alongside the faction leader harpreet gill and I would like to step up a bit and be a leader so I can bring more to the faction as I want

1. As a leader I believe I can bring a lot to the faction like improving the role play bringing more active players in the faction and many more things which will actually help the faction improve
2. And for the role play we can do many things with other orgs like army, events, raids, meetings with other factions which will really be fun for the orgs members

3. I find it incredibly fulfilling to help others grow, and as a leader, I believe I can have a positive impact on the team. By guiding and supporting them, I hope to shape the next generation of leaders or strong role players within the game.
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.

My advise for improving the role play in the faction would be to train officers more and hire people through an interview which consists of many role play questions so we can know that they’re fit for the faction
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You have been selected for PD interview!

Please contact me (carljordan) on Discord within 24 hours to schedule the interview

Failure to make contact will result in the automatic rejection of your application.​
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