Rejected Leader for Fbi | Haseeb baloch

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Ex leader of vipers gang
Your Irl Name: Haseeb khan

2.Age: 18

3. Time zone: ist

4. Average play time: 6-8 hourse

5. Your Discord :hasseb0125

6. Your in-game name: Haseeb baloch

7.Your ID:49310

Leader for fbi :
Leader for:Federal Bureau of Investigation
I want to lead FBI because I was successful assistant director of FBI and leader of sog. Now I am running major general in National Guard. I have good knowledge of management which will help me to setup an organization. I have good communication and manupulation skill. I am also a good listener and calm person which is necessary for an organization.
I have good knowledge in panel code, procedure, field training (agent, police and army), theorical knowledge of training, have the ability of handling critical situations. I can pertorm as an attorney in court because I have the ability to find loop hole of panel code and procedure.
I hate nepotism and against corruption which are dangerous for an organization. I can be trust worthy among citizens and agents. If I become leader of FBI I will ask agents two questions when they apply for retirement.
3. what is your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization?
===-----> I will take an action if any disrespects happen in our department with the penalty and proper investigation will be carried by myself .
-> Promotions are a big part of keeping activity high. Regular promotion ceremonies to reward the most active and hard-working agents will motivate everyone to stay engaged. It's a great way to recognize contributions and encourage people to strive for excellence.
---> It's important to have a good bonus system that rewards agents for their hard work. This will keep every one engaged in work.
--> Inviting people who have knowledge about server and rule can prevent us from org warns so org with low warns is the best org.
-==> In FBI just have 15 Ranks, I plan to add more ranks and create a more departments and I want to be more active of FBI in city.

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