Reviewed Admin Application | Fazal Ryder

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Fazal Ryder


1. Your IRL name: Fazal Abbas

2. Your age: 16

3. Time zone: GMT+ 05:30

4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Please enter the time, for example, from 10:00 to 19:00): 10;00 to 15;00

5. Average activity per day (in hours): 4-5 Hours

6. Your Discord: fazalryder069

7. Your ingame name: Fazal Ryder

8. Your ID (Permanent one, you can find it on Menu>Profile and bellow): 50256

9. I want to be the curator(admin) of Crime or State: Both

10. Do you have PC that you can use for admin duty (REQUIRED): Yes

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?
Ans. I want to become admin becouse i have 2 year experience in Grand rp (PC Version). My Dream to become a admin for fix citizen problems and to keep the peace in the city. this opportunity to me for become an admin. And I know of most of the server rules. I decide to become an admin. And its my dream to solve peoples problems.

2. What are your strengths?
Ans. My greatest strength is my ability to excel in highly pressurized situations. I have found creative ways to keep calm when working under pressure. i am trying to understand the situation from both sides and not be biased towards one side. I am not take decisions in hurry i am take decisions Carefully. I am speaking clear to other person understand me.

3. What are your biggest weaknesses?
Ans. My greatest weakness I trusted people easily but sometimes people has broken my trust.

4. Will you be ready to leave the RP life and become an admin? - Yes

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It is forbidden to have a business while you are an administrator) - I dont have any business.

6. Is there any IRL problem that prevents you from being active at the moment? - No.
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