Rejected Leader for Los Nomadas | Sabresh Royal

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Sabresh Royal

Curator: Crime
Server Administrator
1. Your IRL name : Sabresh

2. Your age : 23

3. Time zone : IST

4. Average online per day : 5-7 hours

5. Your Discord : sabreshgembali0064

6. Your ingame name : Sabresh Royal

7. Your ID : 43107

Additional information

1. Leader for : Los Nomadas

2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation) :

2.1: I have a vast experience in this roleplay server and I can understand the situations and handle them very well as per the rules. Even though the city is new I became well aware of all the conditions and possibilities of the city in no time and I always strive to comply with them.

2.2 I have a good experience in handling teams and management of the people as I have experience in state as well as criminal orgs in highcommand roles.
I good with communication and making people understand the rules . I beleive people will listen to me due to my vocal strength and good command ability.

2.3 I want to become the leader of los nomadas because I am in this organisation since last term and I understand the rules and regulations that are needed to be followed. I know how this works internally and outcomes of everything we do as a gang. If I become a leader I can share everything I know to my team so that there will be no rulebreaks and everyone follows a good rp.

3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.:
3.1 : Many new citizens hailing into the city and they want to join the gangs, So when anyone joins my gang I would give them good training about the city inorder to improve the rp. My team would teach them all about good rp and maintain the integrity.

3.2 : There are many situations in org , where gang members are confused on what to do , So I would like to appoint deputies with good rp knowledge always available to them who would assist them with the situations and lead them into doing good rp without rules breaks and punishments.

3.3 : Many gang members are leaving due to less activities in the org, So I would make arrangements which will lead to daily engagement within the gang and members can enjoy being in gang, I would monitor the possibilities of rp situations related to gangs and make them enjoyable.
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