Rejected Unfit for leadership + LR 1.7 | FBI Leader.

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Your Nick-Name
Aiden Vuitton

Suspect Nick-Name
Zeeshan Khan
Sep 12, 2024

Aiden DeGrey

Recently i’ve been dismissed from the FBI for “Inactivity” i’ve never been inactive within the department, and have been one of the most active deputys in the department, i’ve been requested multiple times to make a chain of command, i did so.
THEN he asked me to make the 10 codes, which i did not have access to due to my ban from all org discords on PC grand, which i told him.
He then proceeded to take a court VC (IC) to OOC, telling me to join, which i told him. that court is IC, not OOC and shouldn’t be mixed between, unless i have involvement, which i did not.
He also claimed i didn’t make any channels in the discord, or roles. i explained to him i cannot on mobile, and need my PC. which i am getting in 1 week.

Pictures will be attached.
After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment.

  • Please provide your POV about the listed incident. You have 12 hours to do so. Make sure the discord id of the person is clearly visible in the POV. (Note: Failure to provide POV would lead to rejection of your complaint.
  • Secondly, We DO NOT accept screenshots as evidence as they can easily be manipulated.
After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment.

  • Please provide your POV about the listed incident. You have 12 hours to do so. Make sure the discord id of the person is clearly visible in the POV. (Note: Failure to provide POV would lead to rejection of your complaint.
  • Secondly, We DO NOT accept screenshots as evidence as they can easily be manipulated.
read it. it’s not IC.

It is him removing me as per LR 1.7 without approval.
And banning me from the discord. what POV? screenshots of the DMs are there, they are all that was said to the leader because he banned me, nothing more nothing less, use your common sense please.
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