Rejected Admin Application | Nina Modi

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1. Your IRL name: Diksha

2. Your age: 25

3. Time zone: GMT + 5:30 (IST)

4. Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (Please enter the time, for example, from 10:00 to 19:00): 12:00 - 19:00

5. Average activity per day (in hours): 2+ hours

6. Your Discord: xzaalima

7. Your ingame name: Nina Modi

8. Your ID (Permanent one, you can find it on Menu>Profile and bellow): 43115

9. I want to be the curator(admin) of Crime or State: State

10. Do you have PC that you can use for admin duty (REQUIRED): Yes
Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

I love playing Grand RP on PC, and I can't imagine becoming an admin there because it would mean leaving RP, which I don't want to do. However, I'm happy to have this second chance to experience what it's like to be an admin, learn the tasks they do on Grand RP servers even if it's the mobile version. My goal is to learn enough to recognize and complete tasks and become the best admin I can be. That's what I'm aiming for here. I know that when we are admins, we have to make unbiased decisions. Being who I am, I’m pursuing a PhD, and as research scholars, we take an oath of ethics not to be biased or alter data to suit our research. So, all I want to say is that I stay far away from bias in real life, and it will be the same here. I can bet there might come a time when you might remove me from the admin position, if I get there, because of my honesty. I’m that much of a problem - I can’t tolerate favoritism and dishonesty.

2. What are your strengths?
My strengths are as follows, I have many but these are the ones I can put words into:
  1. I am passionate about acquiring new knowledge.
  2. I am highly industrious and dedicated to my work.
  3. I find great fulfillment in being productive, even during my leisure time.
  4. I am deeply driven by a competitive spirit.
  5. Honesty
3. What are your biggest weaknesses?

My weakness as of now are:
  • I thrive alone.
  • I am excessively competitive by nature.
  • I am committed to continuous self-improvement and personal growth.
  • I take great satisfaction in being diligent and constantly improving in any task I take responsibility for.
  • Honesty

4. Will you be ready to leave the RP life and become an admin?
Yes, I am ready to leave RP life and become an admin.

5. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It is forbidden to have a business while you are an administrator)
I do not have any business.

6. Is there any IRL problem that prevents you from being active at the moment?
Yes, I have classes.
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