Important Event Rules

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Mujo Simba

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Event Rules

1.1 Teaming is strictly forbidden(except events where it is systematically) | Jail 120 min
1.2 It is forbidden to transfer family members between families for business war. | Jail 120 minutes and disqualification
1.3 It is forbidden to block the entrance by barricades or cars. You must leave free pass that people can go through by driving cars. | Jail 120 min
1.4 During events with a red circles, all players must be inside a red circle. Shooting outside the zone is forbidden. | Jail 120 min
1.5 There is a limit of 2 hostages during robbery events and kidnapping | Jail 120 minutes
1.8 During any hostage situation including gangs can ask only for money for a hostage(Only 1 demand per 1 hostage)
Civilian - up to 20k
Law enforcement officer - up to 50k
High command - up to 75k
Leaders - up to 100k
(e.g. if you have 2 hostages you can ask for free passage for 1st hostage and money for 2nd hostage)
1.9 It is forbidden to use personal cars in events where you are acting as a gang member. (You have to use only org cars)
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