Important State Rules

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Mujo Simba

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Rules of state organizations. Every state organization has to follow those rules in order to have a nice gameplay without any inconvenience or misunderstanding.

2.1 Employees have the right to use all available means of defense in case of danger to senior officials.
2.2 The government has the right to hold events for citizens of a large-scale nature once a day: a car fair, a trading platform, etc.
2.3 Events of a larger scale should always be co-ordinated with the curator of your faction.
2.4 The government has the right to establish regulations for civilians visiting the Capitol.
2.5 A lawyer has the right to ask for evidence / evidence against the accused and his ask cannot be denied.
2.6 The government has the right to establish regulations for public and private inspections. (no more than 7 checks per week, and no more than 2 checks of one faction per week)
2.7 A government audit has the right to dismiss an employee of a public or private organization if, after internal review, it has revealed any violations.
2.8 The government is obliged to negotiate all laws and bills with other heads of public and private organizations or representatives appointed by the head of the organization, if the laws affect the work of these public organizations. (Curated by GOV)
2.9 The government has the right to create laws / bills, provided that they do not contradict the RP component or logic in principle.
2.10 The government has no right to use the treasury for personal purposes.
2.11 The government has the power to issue various licenses. The price is regulated by the leader of the organization.
2.12 The government should have at least two lawyers on staff who will be qualified and will be able, if necessary, to represent someone's interests.
2.13 The state government is required to conduct small or medium events for state residents at least once every 3 days.

4.1 All army employees cannot leave Army during their duty. Exception: If leader allows it.
4.2 Army must follow all state laws
4.3 Army can arrest a person and deliver to any state organization except for Ambulance employee
4.4 Army employees can use weapons in an emergency situations.
4.5 Army special division can patrol a state for the presence of crime activity.

3.1 Hospital staff are obliged to provide assistance to absolutely every player, without exception.
3.2 The chief doctor sets the internal regulations of the hospital, with approval with the government and the curator.

Central Police, FIB
5.1 All those state organizations can arrest a person if they suspected him of a criminal activity.
5.2 Central Police/FIB cannot stop a person, search him or ask for passport without an IC reason.
5.3 Central Police/FIB could use weapons if a role-play situation requires it.
5.4 Central Police/FIB cannot arrest a person while gunfight is not finished. | Verbal Warning.
5.5 Central Police/FIB could patrol ghetto if there are more than two special officers. | Verbal Warning
5.6 If Central Police/FIB employee is attacked, he can request all the forces for supporting him(Code 0)
5.8 It is allowed to unmask only for identification and further detention, as well as for entering a person into the state database.
5.9 Central Police/FIB employees are obliged to use for calls only official transport.(Use of your own car is strictly prohibited.) | Verbal warning.
Exception: Undercover officers may discreetly go out on calls to further investigation and track the suspect. (No arrest, except FIB department)
5.10 Central Police/FIB/ GOV / Ambulance employees cannot use official vehicles for personal use. | Verbal warning.
5.11 Central Police/FIB employees cannot stop Ambulance employees in case of their movement on calls. (Exception: special operation). | Demorgan 120 minutes

General rules for State
1.1 All staff members are required to comply with established standards.
1.2 It is forbidden to transfer your members of organization into another organization. | Verbal warning to the leader
Exception: If both leaders of organizations agree for it.
1.3 It is forbidden to accept people with criminal record.
1.4 It is forbidden to drive an armor vehicle in the city without an escort.
Note: armored cars like Kuruma, Insurgents, Btr.
1.5 It is forbidden to search a car without using Action Chat
1.6 FIB could take a lead on the special operations if other organizations take part in it.
1.7 Laws are wrote by the government and every state organization should follow them.
1.8 If there is an emergency state all state organization must react including: Ambulance who have to send two emergency cars to the selected point.
1.9 All state employees are forbidden to search cars or people without role play commands or if there is not a role play situation.
Note: If there is raid all state employees require a search warrant.
1.10 Players that are in a state organization could play there character as a (bad cop).
Note: 5 bad cops are the limit for each state organization. A player must write biography to become a bad cop which has to be approved by senior curator of state.
Note: For using of drugs and taking bribes (up to 100k) there will be IC punishment not OOC.
1.11 The title district of the gang is the place where the gang is most active, and the title district of the gang is considered as a densely populated criminals place where state employees cannot come without an IC reason (e.g. Raid).
1.12 You have 25 minutes to put a person in jail starting from the moment of cuffing them. (If will be afforded presence of lawyer this time can be increased) | Demorgan 120 min
1.13 Looting in a gun fight is forbidden for state employees | Demorgan 120 min
1.15 Governor must conduct a meeting with all of leaders of state orgs in the official discord voice channel and put a screenshot of an amendment made in the channel called "legislation change"| WARN (to leader)
1.16 Leaders must review the legislation change with the limit of 48 hours | Verbal warning
1.17 If a leader agrees with a legislation changes he has to write approved in the channel called "legislation change"
1.18 A leader cannot disagree to a legislation change without a valid reason. | Verbal Warning
1.19 All of the amendments made should be approved as well by Senior Curator of State which the governor has to tag in the channel "legislation change" | WARN (to leader)
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