Rejected Leadership for Police Department

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Name : ph patel

Age : 20

Time zone:GMT+5:30

Online: 6 to 7 hours

Discord: ph_patel

Game name: phpatel

Game I'd :155881

Additional information:
1: leader for : police department
2 :Reason:become the leader of the police department because I have complete knowledge of PD and I can do my best in PD.having the ability to be a mentor, getting more decision-making power or enjoying having more responsibilities. As leaders, we want that if any person comes with his complaint, he should get the help of the police and he should not go away unhappy.

3. My advice:If we want to make the police department good, then we will have to hire good officers and we all will have to work together and when the junior officer is on duty, there should also be a senior on duty so that the junior can be helped. We could stop the robbery from happening and save the city Apart from that, And if there is a good leader then the police department will automatically improve, we just need to work hard on it If we help people as police officers then people will have faith in us and they will not be disappointed with us
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