Rejected Admin Application | Harshu Bhanushali

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1. IRL Name: Harsh Bhanushali

2. Age: 18

3. Time Zone: GMT+5:30

4. Gameplay Time (Based on Server Time): 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM

5. Average Activity Per Day: 4 hours

6. Discord: harshu911

7. In-Game Name: Harshu Bhanushali

8. In-Game ID: 390203

9. Preferred Curator Role: State

10. Do you have a PC for admin duties (REQUIRED): Yes


### Additional Information

1. Why do you want to become an admin?

I have a deep passion for RP Grand and have always enjoyed being an active part of the community. Over time, I’ve come to truly appreciate how much effort goes into maintaining the server and ensuring that it remains a fun, fair, and engaging space for all players. By taking on an admin role, I feel that I can contribute in a meaningful way to the continued growth of RP Grand Mobile.

I want to actively help maintain order, enforce the rules, and assist newer players in understanding the dynamics of the game. My goal is to make sure everyone has a positive experience, and I believe my dedication and time will allow me to be a reliable asset to the admin team. This role will give me the opportunity to further support and nurture the community, as well as ensure that it continues to thrive.

2. What are your strengths?

- I have a keen ability to assess situations quickly and efficiently, which helps in handling challenging scenarios.
- I pride myself on being level-headed and not letting personal emotions or biases affect my decision-making process.
- I am a quick thinker, always ready to find solutions even in high-pressure moments.
- I have developed strong time management skills, allowing me to tackle large amounts of work and remain productive in a short span of time.

3. Will you be ready to leave the RP life and become an admin?

Yes, I am fully committed to stepping away from the RP side of the game and focusing on admin duties.

4. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It is forbidden to have a business while you are an administrator):

Yes, I currently don’t own any businesses, so this won’t be an issue.

5. Is there any IRL problem that prevents you from being active at the moment?

No, I am available to dedicate my time and attention to this role without any hindrances.


By becoming an admin, I am confident that I will be able to help maintain the server’s quality, ensuring that the rules are followed and players can enjoy a smooth experience. My passion for RP Grand and the responsibilities that come with being part of an admin team drive me to want to take this step forward. I aim to help create a welcoming and fair environment for everyone.
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