• Real-Life Name: Deep Patel
• Your Age: 22
• Time Zone: Indian Standard Time (IST) GMT+5:30
• Average Online Time Per Day: 4-5 hours
• Your Discord: deepppatell
• Your In-Game Name: Deepp Patell
• Your In-Game ID: 114798
• Your Age: 22
• Time Zone: Indian Standard Time (IST) GMT+5:30
• Average Online Time Per Day: 4-5 hours
• Your Discord: deepppatell
• Your In-Game Name: Deepp Patell
• Your In-Game ID: 114798
Additional Information
1. Leader for: Army
2. Why do you want to be the Leader of this organization?
Reason 1: I want to be leader because I was MG in army and I have so much experience in army but it's not about an experience, I have that knowledge of leadership like I communicate with others easily like curators and admins and org members and strength is to be calm and I am a good listener so this qualities help me to put efforts to lead an organization.
Reason 2: I want to do somethings in army and I have to do some changes in organisation like I have to train new joiners in army in ic so this way it creates a good role play and I want to create that type of professionalism in army and I make sure that all soldier cover gates at a time and all soldiers must fight in professional way like army.
Reason 3: I also make some rules of discipline and I make a guide of defence and attack. In this guide soldier will learn how to defence and how to attack in Short they do fights in professional way during gand raids. Human resources take interviews in professional way . I make army organization best ever with my great efforts.
Reason 2: I want to do somethings in army and I have to do some changes in organisation like I have to train new joiners in army in ic so this way it creates a good role play and I want to create that type of professionalism in army and I make sure that all soldier cover gates at a time and all soldiers must fight in professional way like army.
Reason 3: I also make some rules of discipline and I make a guide of defence and attack. In this guide soldier will learn how to defence and how to attack in Short they do fights in professional way during gand raids. Human resources take interviews in professional way . I make army organization best ever with my great efforts.
3. How can RolePlay be improved in the organization?
Advice 1: For improving role play army org have to work with professional also and I will arrange a promotion ceremony. In this way a good role play creates and most of the members approach towards the army.
Advice 2: In every week I arrange a hc meetings in ic so that this is also plays a good role play. All new joiners have to be trained and they also will do exercise like running and jumping so in this way role play became very intresting.
Advice 3: In once a 2 week I will arrange a party of soldiers so soldiers be very happy to work with army organisation and role play will become more interesting.
Advice 2: In every week I arrange a hc meetings in ic so that this is also plays a good role play. All new joiners have to be trained and they also will do exercise like running and jumping so in this way role play became very intresting.
Advice 3: In once a 2 week I will arrange a party of soldiers so soldiers be very happy to work with army organisation and role play will become more interesting.
Sir, I hope you understand my dedication and efforts.
Thanking you
Deep patel