Rejected Fail RP, DM | Los Nomadas

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Your Nick-Name
Saad Akbar

Suspect Nick-Name
Los Nomadas
Feb 24, 2025

Saad Akbar

🚔 Leader of Police 🚔
Leader of organization
Dear Curator of Los Nomadas,

Today we were going to do a gang raid on Los Nomadas, we(PD), FBI & Army reached the location but we didn’t start any rp interaction with them yet. Suddenly we saw they were all standing on the roofs and they started shooting even before we had any type of RP interaction with them. Which results in Fail RP.

Also I'm not sure if shooting from roofs is a rule break or not but please check if it's a rule break, if it is then please take necessary actions.
No off topic:-
1) Your Bodycam is not full
2) Before you guys FBI (Arvind Sharma)pull up and said we have warrant against you do surrender, We gave them command to leave and they refused it also I refused to surrender you can have bodycam of that agent and we did RP in that scenario and FBI Started pulling up
3) Since Ghetto is red zone you can shoot or kill and this proves this is not DM
After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment.
Provide longer POV and with sound and good video quality within 12 hours.​
After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment.
Provide longer POV and with sound and good video quality.​
Our other officers has pov. To avoid game crash, in mission. We reduce game resolution and sound. If we keep it high, if game crash, we will loose our uniform. it's clear sir without interaction, they starts shooting. And How they get in rooftop? Taking unethical advantage to get in top of roof. When they get in roof top, there is unfair competition. If u provide us chopper, that time it will be fair competition. I am trying to recover some POVs which are longer
Our other officers has pov. To avoid game crash, in mission. We reduce game resolution and sound. If we keep it high, if game crash, we will loose our uniform. it's clear sir without interaction, they starts shooting. And How they get in rooftop? Taking unethical advantage to get in top of roof. When they get in roof top, there is unfair competition. If u provide us chopper, that time it will be fair competition. I am trying to recover some POVs which are longer
No off Topic :-
1) Tell me where it's written in rules that in gang raid we can't use roof
2) Show your full bodycam and prove us that we didn't do rp
3) We did RP with FBI coz they came up and you guys were very late to pull up also as shown in pov you were entering from backside so how could you expect for RP if you are raiding so guys have to comeup with fullforce
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