Dear Curator of Los Nomadas,
Today we were going to do a gang raid on Los Nomadas, we(PD), FBI & Army reached the location but we didn’t start any rp interaction with them yet. Suddenly we saw they were all standing on the roofs and they started shooting even before we had any type of RP interaction with them. Which results in Fail RP.
Also I'm not sure if shooting from roofs is a rule break or not but please check if it's a rule break, if it is then please take necessary actions.
Today we were going to do a gang raid on Los Nomadas, we(PD), FBI & Army reached the location but we didn’t start any rp interaction with them yet. Suddenly we saw they were all standing on the roofs and they started shooting even before we had any type of RP interaction with them. Which results in Fail RP.
Also I'm not sure if shooting from roofs is a rule break or not but please check if it's a rule break, if it is then please take necessary actions.