1. Your IRL name : Aridro
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5 to 6 hours daily
5. Your Discord : zxarthermv
6. Your ingame name : ZXarther Mv
7. Your ID: 121219
Leader for Liberty
Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
•I feel like gang is most important things for a RP game.. bcz of the gangs .. PD , FBI and army get most of the Role play.. so the gangs need reliable Leaders who can lead the Gangs well..
•i have previous experience in gang as HC as well as I have experience in every state org , I know all of the procedures, i also have leadership experience..
•In this game , gangs have limited RP , for this sometimes Gang feels boring.. so I want to increase the RP Experience in gangs
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
• I want to hold regular Events
• I want to create rp like , kidnapping, hostage situation, capture the territory (beach , Any org HQ , etc )
•I'll make good tactics for Army raids ..
•I'll plan many Different RP situation with State Orgs
Thank you
ZXarther Mv
2. Your age : 18
3. Time zone : GMT+5:30
4. Average online per day : 5 to 6 hours daily
5. Your Discord : zxarthermv
6. Your ingame name : ZXarther Mv
7. Your ID: 121219
Leader for Liberty
Why do you want to be the Leader of this specific organization? (Give three reasons with explanation)
•I feel like gang is most important things for a RP game.. bcz of the gangs .. PD , FBI and army get most of the Role play.. so the gangs need reliable Leaders who can lead the Gangs well..
•i have previous experience in gang as HC as well as I have experience in every state org , I know all of the procedures, i also have leadership experience..
•In this game , gangs have limited RP , for this sometimes Gang feels boring.. so I want to increase the RP Experience in gangs
3. Your advice for improving RolePlay in the organization.
• I want to hold regular Events
• I want to create rp like , kidnapping, hostage situation, capture the territory (beach , Any org HQ , etc )
•I'll make good tactics for Army raids ..
•I'll plan many Different RP situation with State Orgs
Thank you
ZXarther Mv