Shubhhh Player Player Yesterday at 8:55 AM #1 Sir I Am Putting This So Much Late Because Now I Have Applied For Assistant And I don't Want Any Consequences In It So Mujo Sir You can See I Didn't Do NLR in This Forum But I Was Given Punishment ID 291633 I Hope If You Could Take a Wise Decision
Sir I Am Putting This So Much Late Because Now I Have Applied For Assistant And I don't Want Any Consequences In It So Mujo Sir You can See I Didn't Do NLR in This Forum But I Was Given Punishment ID 291633 I Hope If You Could Take a Wise Decision
Mujo Simba Chief Administrator Chief Administrator Yesterday at 10:52 AM #2 Appeal written in incorrect format You can see the rules for submitting an appeal at the link > Important - Rules for filing complaints against administrators and Assistants / Section Rules
Appeal written in incorrect format You can see the rules for submitting an appeal at the link > Important - Rules for filing complaints against administrators and Assistants / Section Rules