Rejected GH 1.10+GH 1.12,GR 6.2,ER 1.9 | VIPER

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Your Nick-Name

Suspect Nick-Name
Mikey Rajput , ghost playzzz , Bennett roy , VIPER'S members , Assassin family
Feb 17, 2025
05.37 ( ic time)


Respected admin on today's morning ammunition event I come to event place for join my family event but there come some gang members of vipers to robbed and kidnap our family members before 90 second of ammunition event that you can see in the provided pov
They are forcing me to do emoji
And damaging the fair play
ER 1.9 THEY ARE ACT LIKE GANG WITH IN THE family EVENT ZONE we can clearly see they are wearing dress aof the specific gang in family event
ER 1.3 they are blocking the entrance of an event zone with their vechile
Gh 1.12 ASSASSIN FAMILY OR VIPER'S are trying to Robb my family when the event just about to start you can see in the pov
GR 6.2 they are leaving the rp situation as we can see at the last time when about the event start
GH 1.10 They are forcing me to act a emoji like hands up

In this pov we can clearly see they are breaking the rules and they don't know even the normal event rules like wear family dress in family event or gang dress in gang event

My request to you sir please make a strong decision because they are harrassing our family members
(not off topic) you in suspect nickname you cannot mention any family because you were being robbed by Vipers gang not any family and you can clearly see in my thread that there. was already you vehicle blocking the entrance you cannot blame anyone else so no violation of rule ER 1.3 Thread 'FAIL RP, FEAR RP, MERCY KILLING , GH 6.2, DM | Kelvin Kumawatji, Stuard Rajesh, Ind Aking, SANSKAR GG, Scooby qrr' Pending review - FAIL RP, FEAR RP, MERCY KILLING , GH 6.2, DM | Kelvin Kumawatji, Stuard Rajesh, Ind Aking, SANSKAR GG, Scooby qrr and if you don't know then you must learn that family cannot rob anyone only gang members can rob and according to GH 1.10 we can say anyone to raise hand if he is in RP situation try to understand the rules first sir and you and your friend were there already from more than 15minutes as you can see in my thread so no violation about GH 1.12
(not off topic) you in suspect nickname you cannot mention any family because you were being robbed by Vipers gang not any family and you can clearly see in my thread that there. was already you vehicle blocking the entrance you cannot blame anyone else so no violation of rule ER 1.3 Thread 'FAIL RP, FEAR RP, MERCY KILLING , GH 6.2, DM | Kelvin Kumawatji, Stuard Rajesh, Ind Aking, SANSKAR GG, Scooby qrr' Pending review - FAIL RP, FEAR RP, MERCY KILLING , GH 6.2, DM | Kelvin Kumawatji, Stuard Rajesh, Ind Aking, SANSKAR GG, Scooby qrr and if you don't know then you must learn that family cannot rob anyone only gang members can rob and according to GH 1.10 we can say anyone to raise hand if he is in RP situation try to understand the rules first sir and you and your friend were there already from more than 15minutes as you can see in my thread so no violation about GH 1.12
I can because of you are in family event and clearly see at the pov that you are collecting ammunition
(not off topic) you in suspect nickname you cannot mention any family because you were being robbed by Vipers gang not any family and you can clearly see in my thread that there. was already you vehicle blocking the entrance you cannot blame anyone else so no violation of rule ER 1.3 Thread 'FAIL RP, FEAR RP, MERCY KILLING , GH 6.2, DM | Kelvin Kumawatji, Stuard Rajesh, Ind Aking, SANSKAR GG, Scooby qrr' Pending review - FAIL RP, FEAR RP, MERCY KILLING , GH 6.2, DM | Kelvin Kumawatji, Stuard Rajesh, Ind Aking, SANSKAR GG, Scooby qrr and if you don't know then you must learn that family cannot rob anyone only gang members can rob and according to GH 1.10 we can say anyone to raise hand if he is in RP situation try to understand the rules first sir and you and your friend were there already from more than 15minutes as you can see in my thread so no violation about GH 1.12
And as a leader I think you are aware of forum rules that you cannot ask for you pending forum to respected administrator at another forum report
(not off topic) for a proof i can ask to review my forum or i can post the link of the proof here
After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment.
Please provide a longer POV of the whole situation
You have 12 Hours to Provide.
After reviewing the evidence, I am unable to conclude this complaint at the moment.
Please provide a longer POV of the whole situation
You have 12 Hours to Provide.
Sir I recorded only of my kidnapping time
And I do the complaint basic of my kidnapping time I have only this pov

Respected admin , if you want before they're starting my rob then the pov I don't have .

If you want to check the whole situation then I can provide you a third party pov which is actually recorded by the suspect

But as per rule of the rp grand I know that we can complaint a file based on our rp situation
That's why I have only this pov
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