Rejected medic corrupt Biography | Alpha Playz | 363757

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Leader of organization
Leader of organization
Organization: Medic

Name: Alpha Playz
Age: 17
Nationality: India
Place of birth: India (MP)
Gender: Female
Eye Color: blue
Hair color: brown
Tattoos: no
Advantages: Good learner, Help everyone
Weakness: English speaking

Life story: (100+ words)
Alpha Playz is Helping everyone and Alpha love Science Biology Alpha studied class 7 when my both kidney Demaged Alpha was broked one day my condition like Alpha just dead but thanks for that my best Doctor he helped me he do my surgery exchange my kidney and most thankful for my mom she give their kidney and save my life and that date Alpha decide to become best doctor Alpha studied Hard and pass neet exam that day my mom and my doctor really proud to me Alpha really like that my lucky day my dream gonna Complete at that time

Career story: (100+words)
When Alpha passed the neet exam Alpha applied for that collect when my best surgeon Doctor studied his time Alpha really focus on Studies and Alpha completed my course And take M.B.B.S Digree and Become that Hospital Employee when Alpha was Birth And when my Best Hard working and Kindness Doctor Do My surgery Thay all Doctors proud feel to me Alpha really do my hard work Alpha give most of the time in my hospital work my sinior advice me to study about surgery became like that you fav Doctor so Alpha also focus on studies for became surgeon Doctor also Alpha study most but sometimes Alpha failed that exam because hard to learn but one day my fav doctor comes and motivated me u can do it u are Become best Doctor like me so Alpha again apply and pass the exam and that day I'm so nervous because that time my first day in surgery room as a assistant Surgeon Alpha go and learn and also help lead surgeon
That time assistant Surgeon is only 2 me and my friend but we are successfully completed surgery and that patient very happy One day we are going to save one citizens life that time my lead Surgeon get damaged in his heart side Alpha really do two surgery at that one Alpha really do not have much time but first my lead Surgeon and second that citizens and both surgery successfully completed and my lead surgeon Doctor appreciate to me and give lead Surgeon position and present time Alpha really do best surgery and save citizens Alpha don't neet money only Alpha have to see smile in all citizens face at the last time Alpha tell everyone
Keep smiling and be healthy.

Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)
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Have Fun And Enjoy!
Remember, Bios can still have IC aswell as OOC punishments.
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